Well shit...

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If I were to describe my life here on Earth, I would describe it as tragically boring. By the way my name's Mia. I was diagnosed with Leukemia as a child and ever since then I've been stuck on a hospital bed. I'm now 18 so that's kind of self-explanatory. The last thing I recall was all of my family surrounding me, which might I add is a very rare occasion, while we were all having fun. But the thing was that this was going to be my last day alive.

I was having fun when all of a sudden, I saw a man who looks like Ian Somerhalder. Let's just say I was very confused. I suddenly felt myself fading away. "Mom, Dad, Eli, Lukas. Just know that I love you and you've all meant the world to me even if I couldn't really show it stuck on this hospital bed." I said to all my family.

As soon as I said that everything went black. Soon as I come to, I'm in what looks like an all black throne room. Soon as I turn around, I see the Ian Somerhalder look alike again and he's sitting on the throne. "Who are you and why do you keep popping up everywhere?" I ask him.

 "Who are you and why do you keep popping up everywhere?" I ask him

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"Well little one, I'm Death or better known as Adonis." he chuckled.

"Can you explain to me what's going on because I know that I died. I just don't quite understand why I'm here instead of heaven or hell or wherever I was meant to be." I asked, looking highly confused.

"Well little one, to answer your question you simply weren't meant to die. There was a mix up somehow, don't ask because I'm still working that one out for myself. But anyways, I have decided that you're going to be reborn as Lyra Potter." Adonis said tiredly.

"Are you saying Potter as in THE Harry POTTER!? Also am I going to be his sister, aunt or him but as a girl?" I screamed while jumping in excitement.

I couldn't help myself. Adonis is talking about me maybe being my favorite character in my favorite movie series of all time. I just can't wait to see Lucius and Tom. I hope he's good though. Plus, Dumbledore always gave off these weird vibes, even through the screen. Suddenly I'm broken out of my thoughts by Adonis' voice. "You are a very peculiar human. But you will be a female version of Harry Potter. I also must tell you that this universe is not the same as the movies. In this universe there are soulmates, creature inheritances, and some people aren't like they are in the movies."

As I took in everything, he said I was amazed. I could possibly be a creature and have soulmates! With this new information I was ready to start my new life as Lyra Potter. I just couldn't wait. "Also, I will be giving you some 2 wishes of your choice and I will be giving you my own gift as well." Adonis said.

"Ok. Well, I know for my first wish I want to be a succubus mixed with a forest elf for my creature. And for my second wish I want to have a lot more magic than Dumbledore with instant control over it like having wandless and wordless magic." I said while tapping my chin in thought.

Adonis chuckled while shaking his head, "That is doable. Now onto my gift for you. I will be giving you the ability to speak parseltongue and I will be giving you the title, Mistress of Death, which will allow you to call on me at any time, have death speech, and communicate with creatures of the dead like ghosts, dementors, and thestrals."

I dropped my mouth open in shock because I did not see that coming. "Thank you so much Adonis! I don't even know how to thank you for this." I said while smiling.

"There is nothing you need to do, little one. I like you and I wanted to give this to you as a gift for being the first human to actually pique my interest."

Once he said that I didn't really know what to think. But I was happy none the less. Suddenly a question popped into my head, "Wait. What year and date am I going to be transported to?"

"You'll be transported as a baby in the year 1981 on the day October 31." he replied calmly.

On the inside I was shaking because I absolutely did not want to go through the trauma of seeing my mother killed right in front of me by a no nose bitch. So, I screamed, "ARE YOU CRAZY! WHAT IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK WOULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT'S THE VERY FIRST THING I WOULD WANT TO SEE OR EXPERIENCE AS SOON AS I GET TO MY NEW LIFE! I'M BASICALLY GOING TO BE GET KILLED AGAIN!"

Let's just say he looked very amused at my outburst while I was still trying to catch my breath. "Well, it seems you have the rage of a Black and your soon to be mother Lily combined!" he laughed.

He fucking laughed. So, all I could do was blink. I couldn't comprehend how he found that funny, but at this point I just want to get everything done and over with. "Ok whatever. So how am I getting there exactly?" I questioned.

"All you have to do is touch my hand." He spoke.

So, I walked from my spot in the throne room to him sitting on his throne with his hand stretched out. I was hesitant to take his hand because I didn't know if there was going to be pain or just nothing. I slowly slid my fingers onto his hand. Then everything went black. "Good luck Lyra Cassiopeia Potter. I hope you enjoy the life you finally get to live."

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