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Julie Everheart was the girl who walked around with her hand on her aching heart and her other on her throbbing mind. She was the girl who's mother had died at the age of twelve and now spends her time in therapy sessions at the age of seventeen. The kind hearted girl that smiled at all the sympathetic neighbors yet screamed at the top of her lungs with a sore throat and raging tears in her eyes to the dark sky that simply looked back at her at two in the morning.
Harry Edwards was the boy that walked around with a grin painted on his face and a sense of humour that could paint one of his own on just about anybody. He was the boy that spent his Friday nights lingering around clubs and casinos but deep down would trade it all in a heartbeat for a simple Sunday morning by himself at home.

Two damaged young spirits find a way to love one another through a story of lies and deceit, secrets and cover ups, humiliation and laughter, rooftops and dark skies, small marshmallows and hot chocolates, drawings and old cars, stolen kisses and 3 AM phone calls, emerald eyes and delicate hands, salty tears and open arms, raindrops and broken umbrellas and a long series of therapy classes that broke it all.

Copyright © 2015 CrypticBoys

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