Chapter 6 - People That Last

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"Is there....anything that you want to talk about? At all? ...Oliver?" Robin slowly fumbled with her own words as they walked around the ground floor of the school. Their feet hit the silky wooden floor and shallowly echoed beyond the corridor. They slowly walked up the stairs to the First Floor.

"Are you sure we're allowed up here, Oliver?" Robin quickly changed the conversation while she was holding onto the railing at the right side of the staircase.

"I'm sure that we can go upstairs, i'm sure of it and I don't think there is anythin' that we need to talk about, why do you ask?" Oliver asked. He turned his head slightly to face the smaller female beside him.

"Oh, it's just that someone mentioned something about you that.....worries me." she looked at Oliver with her expression filled with concern. She got obscurely closer to him.

"You can easily tell me once you feel better and when we also get back to the cantine." Oliver shutted down Robin and her worrying words.

They walked to the other side of the school, the pupil entrance was right above them. It wouldn't budge an inch even if you tried. As they were about to turn around and walk the other way Oliver distinguished a sicky, crimson red substance coming from the soles of Robin's shoes.

"Robin, what's that on your shoes?" he pointed at her Nike shoes, there were splatters of thin, ruby-red material on the lower parts of her shoes.

They left a permanent trail of footprints on the disinfected ground. The trail of Robin's shoes led to a room that they had walked past.

"I really hope that this, comes off of my shoes, I don't want to buy another pair." Robin frowned to somewhat of a degree, they strolled through where they came from. The more they walked, the more that the red trail led behind Robin as her shoes were somewhat sticking to the floor.

As the two of them were walking back Oliver's eyes took notice of the closed door, at the bottom was a pool of the red substance on Robin's feet. It was uncontrollably pouring out of the crack in the door, it moved as fast as snails could go. It seeped into the minor cracks on the floor.

Robin took a step back as she froze with her eyes becoming gargantuan. The saturated liquid was coming from the Nurse's Office. She followed her up the door until a messy spill was on the door. There were streaks of the same red substance on the door knob. It still looked wet and saturated.

"Stand back Robin." Oliver kindly asked her. She took a few steps back but was still only a meter away from the door.

"But we aren't allowed in there...are we? Unless it's an emergency?" Robin started to get on edge with questions and answers speeding up.

In one sudden movement, Oliver twisted the knob and proceeded to open the door. It wasn't budging anytime soon with the amount of force that he was moving at. He pressed on the door and attempted to open it again. He let go from the knob, with the red liquid all over his right palm.

"It looks like something is jamming the door from the inside, i guess i can try one more time but if it doesn't open then i say we should head back." Oliver said with his voice relatively croaked.

"Why do you even want to go in there? It looks...eerie..." Robin asked, she slowly took steps to the door but still huddling behind Oliver.

He then proceeded to pry the door open for the very last time, he forced the door open vigorously and with all of his strength. Once Oliver had pried open the shut door, something sounded to have crushed inside of the room. He managed to crack the door open slightly and peek in, but as he did some more of the liquid was leaking out at a faster pace.

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