Chapter 1

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Ark closed his eyes, focusing on the rain pelting against the window. It was somewhat soothing for him, even though his surroundings were enough to cause a panic attack. He opened his eyes and started sharpening his knife. Even in such weather, you could never be too careful with keeping watch for the Undead even in the countryside. Polaris had a few people scouting around, but he kept a close eye on the area at all costs.

Just to be even more cautious, he kept binoculars stashed in his room, using them semi-frequently. Sometimes, he caught targets better when they were up close, but if it came to the Undead, nothing was off the table.

Ten years ago, he never thought that possible, especially when his parents were alive. It made him wonder where everything went wrong with the world before. It started as a small epidemic and turned into a pandemic where people started panicking. It did not help that the sick eventually would turn into the Undead. Ark remembered a sliver of how it became... this.

The door to his room opened. "Thought I'd find you here." Without turning around, Ark already knew who was behind him. Polaris. "I was going to gather everyone for a meeting."

Ark nodded, without saying much. He would be there.

"Listen, kid, I know you're still confused about why I didn't choose you for the last mission," he said. It was true. Polaris kept him there, even though he knew Ark could do it all. "Truth is, I've been worried about you."

Ark shifted in his seat; a bit confused. "Why?" He asked.

"I've been told you act almost... hungry on hunts."

He shook his head. "I eat before the hunts," he replied.

"No, I mean... you kill more of them than needed. It's like... you enjoy it."

Ark blinked a few times before he said, "They have to be dealt with." What was the concern for? Polaris sent out a squad to deal with the Undead, and there was always a squad with him in it at least.

"Yes, except for the fact that there is no need to kill more than needed. Understand? Save your strength for when it's needed."

He wasn't sure he understood but nodded anyway. Polaris patted his shoulder. "I still want you to keep watch," he said. "You're still doing good."

"Then why have me as a lookout?" Ark asked.

"Because there's more to life than killing the Undead."

Polaris left the room.

Ark was not so sure about that. Sure, he may have prevented a horde from invading the area, but what were the others doing? Were they killing those monsters properly? Did the others give them mercy by feeling sorry for them? Those things did not deserve mercy, not even a little bit. Ark's fingers itched as he tapped his fingers on the windowsill.

He attended the meeting, which was held downstairs in the living room. Polaris, Sirrah, Josie, Rachel, Tam, and three others, the latter three being new, were all there sitting on the couch or the floor. The group's number dwindled over the years with either people leaving by their own choice or dying on the job.

Ark leaned against the wall, listening to Polaris' speech about upcoming missions.

"As you know, supplies here are starting to dwindle," Polaris said. "Unfortunately, that means moving to another location."

"Can't we send scouts?" Rachel asked.

Polaris shook his head. "Except that it may take days not to mention they wouldn't have many supplies on them. And, we don't have enough members."

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