11: Courtyard Craziness

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Bodyguard? She never had one back at home but it was different here. She didn't have to watch her back for vampires who would jump her at any second, the thought made her shudder– yep maybe having her own personal protector was a good idea!

The sound of cracking twigs brought Aurora back to reality and she looked in the distance attempting to see what it was before the man grumbled, "c'mon Angel" as he stood up.

"W-where?" she asked, somehow managing to stumble over the word and herself at the same time as she got up.

He put his hand on her small back to steady her and didn't let go as they walked, "Some place safer" he answered in his baritone voice "this forest is on the edge of the border anyone could be lurking here"

"Oh" she breathed anxiety wracking through her.

Killian looked down at the small girl and could tell what she was thinking; he instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer.

Aurora's head shot up in response to his simple action. His touch was strong and assuring and it made her heart flutter. She hadn't met anyone that could calm her down so quickly and make her worries disappear almost instantly. Then subconsciously she relaxed into his hold whilst they walked in a comfortable silence until they found themselves at the edge of one the castle's courtyards...

"Please, please , I'm begging you" a cracked voice cried over by the large metal gates and tugged at Aurora's empathy causing her to pull away from her protectors grasp.

"You'd provide food for your other citizens but the hybrids are still part vampire too"  the lady's voice continued she was now kneeling on the cobbled floor in desperation

"Those wretched monstrosities aren't worth even a drop of dried blood or a slither of rotting steak and if it were up to me I'd-" a guard began

"Cullric settle down, we consider ourselves calm men don't we? I'm sure we can provide something for you ma'am", another man spoke to the both of them, "why don't you come over here and see"

The lady scuttled up off her knees and sped over to the guard "really thank you for your kindn-"


A gasp escaped the princess.

The guard, the ones that were supposed to protect the people had struck the lady harshly across the face.

"We have to help her " Aurora fretted and stepped out of the shadows, exposing herself to the possible harm. "You can't do that to!..." then yelped as two muscular arms grabbed her by her waist.

Aurora's back hit his chest. Her protector had yet again clutched Aurora in a strong grasp in order to not let her get hurt by accident.

"Stay out of this, love." He demanded, holding her tightly. Aurora shivered when she felt his chilled breath tickle her neck.

"No, let go of me." She whined, struggling against his hold causing him to press her harder to his chest.

"You could get hurt." He protested.

"Your not my master"

"You're right it's ........ to you" he mumbled under his breath, his hands tightening around her waist even more; although she couldn't make out one of the words he said.

Her head tilted to the side in confusion and before she could say anything her tiny hand was grasped in his much larger one (seeming to perfectly fit) to guide her away from the scene.

"Its Killian Angel, my name..."


Writing this scene I can't even lie I cringed a bit TwT
I hope you continue to enjoy

Sweet BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora