6: Butterflies

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An inexplicable feeling of nerves washed over her and she turned her head away from his intense gaze "A-Aurora" she mumbled in a voice barely above a whisper

Something seemed to click in his brain and he reached for her tiny hand and held it in his much larger one, drawing it towards his lips. His kiss was gentle yet assertive and it caused tingles to run up and down her arm.

She bit the inside of her blushing cheek unsure of what to do next, internally face planting herself for not actually listening to the long and boring etiquette lessons!

He seemed to pick up on her flustered-state as the corners of his mouth quirked up into an imperceptible smirk. "Tell me, what are you doing outside the castle and running from palace guards ?" He asked amused as if he found the idea of the little princess getting in trouble funny.

Aurora looked up with widen eyes and quickly tried to change the subject "w-well um...w-why are you hiding from the guards?"

He raised a brow, "Answer my question first."

Aurora momentarily paused mentally fighting with herself on what to tell him, she finally decided it would be ok to confide in this man, it wasn't like she was ever going to see him again.—

"I thought the people in there would have a much more enjoyable time without my presence" she whispered, scared of being overhead whilst talking about others. "I think they don't like humans very much" she uttered the last part painfully

His previously inscrutable eyes softened slightly and he placed two fingers on her chin, guiding her gaze up to his "it doesn't matter what those unimportant nobles think of you"

Aurora shivered from the mixture of his cold touch and the night air and she watched as the man looked her up and down frowning at her clothes. "And you shouldn't have come out here with such thin clothes-"

"...Come here"

She took a cautious step closer.

Wait what was she even doing! But his voice made her want to follow every one of his commands...

Suddenly with a light sweep he removed the cloak from his shoulders and enveloped her in it; the material cascaded over her dress, sheltering Aurora from the cold.

In the distance the sound of running guards became noticeable and she snapped her head to the side in surprise

In front of her the man blew out deep annoyed breath and backed away, "unfortunately princess sounds like our time is up" he beckoned to one of the many paths in the lush garden saying "follow this one, it will lead you back to castle through the service entrance"

"Th-thank you" she chirped, a soft smile adorning her face and without thinking she proceeded to hug him. The first person to be kind to her here, she would truly be eternally grateful...

Her arms barley wrapped around his muscular torso and she felt her face heat up (for what felt like the hundredth time- she might as well have been a tomato at this point) against his broad chest

"Don't get caught" she mumbled before turning around and dashing down the path...

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