Band, Ten Hut!

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November 28th, A Saturday, State Championships, 5:24 PM

They were silent. All 79 there horn players and the 16 guard section. They stood at attention in their uniforms. It was tonight, we'd rock this feild like it's never been before. One band could beat us. Courage Marching Band, but they aren't doing as hot as they were in other seasons.
2016 was our season at Spirit Regiment. We knew it too. We felt the competitive vibes on the turf of the feild. We felt our blood boiling. It was in our eyes, and we knew it. I knew it.
"Our next performance on the feild at State Championships, performing their 2015 season show, Shadows And Light, please welcome the Elronda Highschool Spirit Regiment! Drum Majors, Lily West and Jacob Drouge, is your band ready?"
There was our cue. I was head drum major. I put my right foot on the left side of my left foot, spun around, tapped four times on the seem of my pants, and I don't know how I know, but in unison, Jacob and I saluted. Today had to be it. State Championships, we had to get this right.
"Spirit Regiment, the judges are ready"
We stayed at salute until those words were said. Then together, Jacob and I took off our shakos and dropped them to the floor.
Spun around, looking down at pit. I put up my hands, breathing deep.
I moved my hands, giving the cue for the cymbals to roll. Our show came as fast as it went. 7 minutes and 41 seconds of excitement and emotion. Then we were over. Then we left the feild.

Back at the Spirit Regiment truck, we gathered in a circle, our arms around each other's shoulders.
"Band, listen up. No matter our score, no matter our place, no matter what people and other bands think of us, Jacob and I are so proud of you. Every guard member, horn member, percussion member, everyone. You put your best in tonight. You gave it your all. We should be proud of each other and ourselves. We. Were. Amazing tonight. Now, you all know by now, I'm not a believer. But I believe that we will do amazing tonight. Now, arms to yourselves." They did as I, Lily West, said. They gave each other personal space. I looked at Jacob and nodded.
"Band ten hut!"
"Hit!" They said.
Now began our every day ritual.
"With Pride!"
"With Pride!"
"Band Dismessed! Pride!"
Then Jacob continued speeking, "Band, two lines, we're going to our bleacher spot!"

"Congratulations, Gahr Highschool!"
"Now our first place winner, goes to..."

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