Chapter 16

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"Thomas I have respected your town and business whilst I have been here, and now I ask you to respect my decision to engage" Mr Dominguez spoke up, the entire meeting had everyone on edge, since Tommy found out that Ronnie had been a gypsy, living with a group of traveling men, who had been in Small Heath and were set to return. "Which we are entirely grateful for, however engaging with these men, without the proper plan with only cause mayhem", Tommy attempted to reconcile with the man, hoping that he could convince to not cause an out right war.

Marianna was hardly paying attention as she leaned against the wall by the back of the room, spinning her knife around, distracting herself from the growing tension in the room. Her mind did however go back to the moment where Isaiah almost apologised to her, she was glad Charlie had interrupted them, she wasn't sure what she would've done otherwise, slapped him, cried, thanked him. She really had no idea how to feel, he didn't deserve her, none of them did, but yet she can still feel the almost sense of relief when the words slipped from his mouth, as if a weight was lifted from her, but she tried to distract herself. Her knife had a gold handle, hand carved and etched with the white mariposa flower, along with the words "Navaja's", the name of her fathers cartel, translating to razors, gaining there name in a rough incident in a local cuban barber, though now they opted for switch blades, much more efficient and cleaner.

On the other hand Isaiah was a dedicated foot soldier to the Peaky Blinders, immersing himself into the gang from the moment he became a part of it, always putting everything into it. However at this very meeting he was far too distracted, to his own disapproval. After their encounter earlier who couldn't stop glancing back at Marianna, he watched as she filled with the blade of her knife, not paying any attention to the discussion of the night. He found himself staring a little too hard, as Finn nudged his arm drawing him back, "mate, what are you even staring at", he whispered to his friend, unaware of the boys racing mind, "nothing, don't worry about it".

"The support of your men would ensure mutual benefit, me and my family with be gone and you will have us out of your city", her fathers words drew her back into the discussion, she hadn't thought what would happen once their business was finished, when she first arrived she was only filled with hate, longing to go back home. But now a part of her felt complete, despite all the pain Small Heath had caused her, it made her who she was, and she didn't know who she was without it.

"I can offer you the promise that my men will be alert and aware and will make the mens presence known to you, upon their arrival" and with that Tommy wrapped up the meeting, unaware of the ongoing tension this would cause, knowing that the gypsy groups had connections everywhere, and the influence wasn't limited to just one group.

Marianna, knew she would always be at risk, being that father of a cartel boss, and even in allegiance with a gang in Small Heath, yet she managed to be the only one paying the price.

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