Chapter 15

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Marianna often found her escape from life, all her pain, in nature. When she was younger she would be by the cut or run through the fields, but she found her most pleasure and distraction with animals. She was fascinated with Tommy's horses, and upon her stay back in small heath all she wanted to do was be near them, which Tommy was aware of and allowed her to go see them in their stables in the evenings when she wouldn't be disturbing anyones work.

Today was no exception, she had left the betting shop, rushing towards the stables in order to get a glimpse of his beautiful horse Monaghan Boy, his beautiful midnight coat reminded her of the night sky. She reached the stables, almost huffing out of breath, walking straight towards where Monaghan boy stood tall and majestically, placing her palm across his muzzle. She got lost staring into his innocent eyes, they had a calming quality to them, that she hadn't noticed she wasn't alone.

Isaiah too had always been fascinated with Thomas' horses, he thought they were the epitome of both strength and beauty, he also admired their freedom, how they would run through fields so fast the wind couldn't even catch them. Thomas had allowed him to look after and groom them once the day was over, a reward as he recognised the boys loyalty and dedication.

Isaiah returned to the stables after fetching Monaghan boy's brush, only to be startled at the presence of the girl in front of him, tripping over the bucket that he hadn't seen in front of him, creating a loud ruckus. "Fuck, I didn't realise you were here" Marianna almost screamed out, as sighed out of relief after her heart dropped from her chest, shocked by the presence of the boy. "Really, I could've sworn you were following me sweetheart", he smirked picking up the bucket and walking towards the only thing stopping the two from an all out fist fight.

Marianna was astonished by Isaiah's ability in any situation to flip it with his self-absorbed nature, as she grunted in displeasure at his attitude. "Ugh, whatever, no matter how beautiful this horse is, it's not worth spending a second around you", she hopped up and started to walk away. "No wait, I know you didn't, or else you would have come" Isaiah called out, he knew he rarely had a moment alone with her, and whenever he did they just bickered.

She stood there adamant, wanting to be stubborn and leave, but simultaneously she just wanted to stay with the horse. "Just pet the damn horse" he called out smirking, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist the beautiful creature, "Ill even let you brush him" he held out the brush, as she sighed and grabbed it from him. "I'm only staying for him", she wanted to make it clear she had no desire to be near Isaiah, however true or false that was. "No, it's my charming and all round pleasant personality" he quipped, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Of course, that horse is the only reason I haven't left either", his tone much more serious now, though his statement wasn't.

The two stood across from each other, the horse separating them, as Marianna focused her gaze on her gentle circular motions of the brush, whilst Isaiah cleaned the stable, every now and again stealing a subtle glance at the girl. She was fascinated by the horse and all its beauty, and he was fascinated by her. He looked at each intricate detail of her, examining how she had chained since last being here, this was the only moment the two had been in this close of proximity in peace since they were kids, and even then they were still fighting.

As Marianna softly stroked Monaghan Boy's muzzle, she sang sweetly, a lullaby her mother once sang to her, that echoed through the halls of her mind.

"Duérmete mi niño
Duérmete mi amor
Duérmete pedazo
De mi corazón."

(Fall asleep, my baby
Fall asleep, my love
Fall asleep, oh piece
Of my heart.)

Isaiah stopped what he was doing as he looked at the girl, her voice was sweet like honey, as it filled the air, softly enchanting the sleepy tune. He reached Monaghan boy and too was rubbing his muzzle as he looked up at Marianna, the two making eye contact as the song came to an end. "What does it mean" he blurted out disturbing the silence, "the song", she glanced away from the boy "its a lullaby that a mother sings to her baby, telling them to fall asleep".

For first time since her arrival, Isaiah saw a different side to Marianna, she was vulnerable, he could tell she was hurting. "Im sor-" but before Isaiah could finish his sentence, Uncle Charlie walked in, calling out "Tommy's called a meeting with the Peaky Blinders". Isaiah cleaned up his coat as he walked away, Marianna turning back to face the horse. "You too, your father's there" Charlie called back to the girl.

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