Meeting Neptune

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Y/N and If returned to the guild to turn in their quests. They both went to the board and received their rewards from their quests. Y/N gained credits from the Dogoos he defeated.

Ella: Welcome back, Y/N and IF. I see you two have already met.

IF: Would have been in real trouble if he wasn't around. He was a big help against a big Dogoo.

Ella: He helped you defeat a big Dogoo? Amazing, I didn't think you were already that strong. Have you had experience in fighting monsters?

Y/N: No, I just started learning to fight though I did know about some of the skills I have.

IF: Could it have something to do with that key sword you have?

Y/N: It's called the keyblade. It's shaped like a sword but it can open any lock such as a door or a chest. It also helps me use magic abilities like fire, ice or even summoning.

IF: That summoning skill was magic?

Y/N: Yes, but it takes a lot of magic just to use it. I can only use it once then I have to wait until my magic is back at full strength.

Ella: But if this was your first time fighting, how did you already learn so fast?

He was ready to explain but didn't want them to know he learned it from a video game.

Y/N: I did watch someone fight with the keyblade a lot even learned about the abilities. As for fighting, I'm not so sure. I guess it was instinct.

IF: *Mentally* Instinct? It was like he knew how to fight. Maybe Histoire knows something about this keyblade.

???: Hi iffy!

They turned and saw a certain nurse approaching them.

They turned and saw a certain nurse approaching them

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IF: Hey, Compa.

Compa: I heard you went on a dangerous quest. I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt.

IF: I'm fine. I had help from him. She said as she said looked at Y/N.

Compa: Who's he? Is he your boyfriend?

IF: B-B-Boyfriend?! She stuttered.

Y/N: Uh no, we ran into each other in the middle of our quests.

IF sighed in relief.

Compa: Oh, well nice to meet you. I'm Compa.

Y/N: You too. I'm Y/N.

Compa: ...Y/N? I know, I'll call you N/N!

Y/N: That'll be fine.

IF: She does that with everybody.

Compa: I was going to meet up with Nep-Nep and Ge-Ge. Want to come along Iffy?

IF: Sure, I need to head over there anyway.

Compa: how about you, N/N?

Y/N: Why not. He shrugged.

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now