Chapter 5 - Our Last Hours Together

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"Octavia.....OCTAVIA! Are you even listening?? The assembly is about to start." Mimi shouted into her ear, making her jump.

"Okay, okay! You didn't need to shout in my ear jeez... sorry I spaced out." Octavia apologized.

Mimi pointed her entire body and head into the direction of Mrs. and Mr. Leigh with an obscure woman following them behind. They were both walking to the center of the elevated stage. The woman walked in front of both the principal's. Some boo's from the youngest and oldest years were apparent in the crowd of 'children'. She clapped her stretched hands together signaling everyone to listen.

"Everyone, quiet down now!" she yelled with a Lithuanian accent showing. The mob of teens began to simmer down. She wore an all black dress, a black cardigan with silver earrings and the only thing sticking out from her outfit was her red pigmented lipstick.

"Now. since all of you are so immature and so adolescent at heart. Please hush now and let Mr. and Mrs. Leigh announce their speech." She lectured the whole school. She walked away from the stage and made her leave. Even her walking style was sassy.

The principal's both stepped forward, Mrs. Leigh took a deep breath in and spoke into the microphone.

"Right, I know you all are confused about what has happened near Sydney. A gas station beside Woodlands Road has exploded, the known cause has been prohibited due to unknown reasons." Some of the students started to speak up, claiming it was obvious what had happened.

"Please, please settle down." she said, the years quiet down.

"Now, due to the circumstances of the explosion hitting us hard, and damaging the upper floor windows. The Third AND Fourth floors are out-of-bounds to pupils and staff members because of the excruciating amount of damage done to those levels." the older years began to riot and protest against it, most of them claiming to have reasons to be up there.

Mr. Leigh continued his wife's speech, "For people who are preparing for exams, you will have to take them in the inside gym halls. For the rest of you, Miss Miskinis will read out the following classes and years that would be going to designated areas of the school." he finished his big speech.

Miss Miskinis was known for being an ill-mannered receptionist, not letting you leave school unless it was an actual emergency, if she would let someone go she would make snarly comments about them. Miss Miskinis began to call out the classes plus the teachers names and where they would be sat for the rest of the day.

"I still can't believe that she still works here." Mimi muttered to Octavia and Elliot.

"I know right? I think I heard someone say that she was the reason someone got expelled.." Elliot muttered back. Moments later the receptionist got to their year.

"Year eleven is located in the cafeteria with Mr. Baggins and Mr. Cooper. Year twelve is located on the first floor..-" she called out. Half of the school started to make their move by strolling to their assigned destination.

"Yesss, we got the cafeteria!" Mimi stretched her arms as high as she could, her face filled with bright joy. The year stormed through the double doors, closing it behind them. Bags buts in.

"Right, since we have the cafeteria with are whole year. I want you all to behave yourselves. ALL of you." he waved his pen around the entire class.

The class got into a formed line, marching towards the cafeteria. There were two parts to the canteen, the inside part where the food was usually served and there were long, connected tables. The outside part where there was access to the grounds around the school and had also multiple, small tables in between the inside and outside.

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