Chapter 13

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TW - mentions of violence and SA

"Marianna, mija, don't run too far forward". Her mother was beautiful, she could only really describe her as a ray of sunshine, in her memories that her father helped her piece together, she couldn't make out the face of her mother. But she felt her warmth, she could tell she was beautiful, without the ravings of her father and how she inherited her mother's beauty.

5 year old Marianna was running ahead of her mother and father in the streets of London, her father had insisted on taking his girls around the world. "Mama, papa look at how fast I can run", she was small but sprite and she had a kick in her step, her parents looked on at their little girl, adoring every little thing she did. Alejandro wasn't known yet, he was a respectable businessman in Cuba, growing produce and selling it with his wife, but he had saved up money to do something special, for the two most special people in his lives, though he now regrets his decision everyday.

Marianna though fiery, was unaware to the world's cruelty. Her father and mother had lost sight of Marianna as she ran ahead, turning the corner of the street, in the moment her parents thought nothing of it, but as they too turned the corner they saw a man holding his hand covering little Mariannas mouth, pointing a gun at them. Alejandros heart dropped as he put his hands up, showing he was no threat to the man, "what do you want, just please don't hurt our daughter", her mother screamed desperately. "Give me everything you have" the man yelled back. Alejandro started to empty his pockets, whilst his wife watched in horror, praying for her baby's safety. The man scrambled, picking up the money, watch and other assortment of items, still holding tight onto Marianna, "now please, just give us our daughter back".

Ronnie Weltwood had always been a sick selfish individual, he had his issues with alcohol ever since he could remember, always having to find new and creative ways to make money, so when he spotted the shiny gold necklace across the woman's neck he knew it had to be worth something, "what is this" he said leaning forward and holding his hand around the necklace. He knew when he set his eyes on something, he would have to have it, this being no exception. He didn't expect the woman to put up a fight, as she pulled away from him grabbing onto her daughter's arm trying to pull her to safety. Ronnie has always been rash, never thought, just acted, so when he felt threatened by the woman across from him he did what came first. The entire event happened so quickly, Alejandro barely recalls how it all went so wrong so quick, but he replayed the sound of the gun unloading, his wife collapsing to the floor, as his daughters scream filled the air, and the smack of her skull hitting the hard stone floor.

All he remembered was one moment he was the happiest man ever, and the next he awoke on the floor, his wife's body cold and covered in blood, long dead, and his daughter gone.

Somewhere in his sick twisted mind Ronnie thought not to shoot the girl, but instead take her with him, and everyday since a part of Marianna wished he did. Maybe just maybe if he had shot her, then her misery would have ended there but it didn't, instead the abuse continued.

She remembered waking up in a bed, in a house, in a cold place, no memory of what was before. She remembered being fed the lies of her past from the man across her who she perceived as family. She remembered it all now, how he painted himself to be the hero of her story, taking her in from her unwilling family, painting her as the burdened. She remembered the alcohol, the drunk nights, when he would stumble into her room. She remembered every unwanted touch, his hot breath, his grip. But most of all she remembered after, each time she had to tell herself that she was wrong, that she was unworthy, the burden that he saved and this was his payment.

And so the day she met Finn Shelby and Isaiah Jesus the pain subsided, for the hour that she spent with them that first day, she forgot about the disgust she felt towards herself and then as their friendship developed, she found an escape, a way to distract herself.

"So you see, you were all too absorbed in the preservation of your stupid gang to notice what one of your own men was doing, to someone you all supposedly cared about" Marianna looked at each one of them as she finished recounting the tales of torment Ronnie put her through, not leaving out any details, she didn't care if they were uncomfortable or felt sick, even guilty. Because it would never compare to how she felt.

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