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   I feel soft kisses on my neck, trailing down gently. I let out a slow sigh, I love my boyfriend. "Baby it's time to wake up," Duff says gently. "We're going home" I hear the smile on his face. Aw man, I love him. "C'mon y/n.." he laughs softly. I smile at his little giggles. Duff wraps his arms around me and picks me up. He puts my feet on the ground and dances with me, humming a soft tune. He sways me to his imaginary music. I giggle softly. "Ready to get dressed?" He asks gently, smiling. I nod my head, "yeah" I smile. Duff kisses my lips softly. "Can you wake me up like this everyday?" I ask gently. "I'll do my best, love" Duff smiles that adorable smile of his. I get dressed and pack up anything that was out.

   Duff helps pack up, singing the tune. He sings attitude by misfits. I like Duff's singing. I smile at his air bass playing. "Aw man, I'm so ready to go home" Duff softly says, holding my hips. He kisses my cheek, and smiles. We walk down to the lobby, and go to the bus. We sit down and I lean my head on Duff's shoulder. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me close. I close my eyes and eventually I fall asleep.

   When I open my eyes, the plane isn't bright but not dark. It's golden hour, Duff looks so good. "Morning honey bun" Duff smiles. I kiss him softly, then smiling at him. "You look nice today.." I look at his lips. "Thank you baby. You do too." He kisses my lips passionately.  Duff wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my chest. I run my fingers through Duff's hair. He cuddles into me kissing my breasts softly. He slides his hands up my shirt working on taking it off. Izzy sits across the isle from us. He looks suspiciously at us. My back facing Izzy, I lean back looking at him upside down. Izzy laughs at me, shaking his head. Duff's hands hold my breasts, looking up at me with sexy innocent eyes. 

   I smile at Duff and he slides my shirt off. He kisses my neck and the way down to my under boob. I look around the plane, taking in the image. Abruptly I feel a sharp pain in my breast. I gasp, looking down to see Duff looking a bit mad. "sorry Duff" i ruffle up his hair. Duff stands and takes off his shirt. The light hair on his belly travelling down. The tall figure standing Infront of me, looking beautiful as ever. "Duff, y/n" I hear Axl speak. Axl stands behind me, looking at my breasts. I cover up and look at him weird. "I bet you 200 dollars, you guys can't go a week without touching eachother. Separate beds, separate showers." Axl goes on. 200 dollars sound nice, and the dare sounds easy enough.

   I look at Duff. He's smiling "yeah let's do it" he laughs. "Alright, c'mon y/n." Axl says. I look at him confused. "Separate seats" He explains. I slowly nod standing up. I put on my shirt, stretching my arms and legs. I find an empty row and lay down. I know this challenge is going to be easy, I'd do anything for money. Very slowly I fall asleep again. My eyes get droopy and my hearing fades.

   Duff kisses my neck, taking off my shirt and bra. It seems urgent for Duff to touch me. Like he would explode if he didn't. His hands travel down my body, making me arch my back. "Y/n. Sit still" Duff says softly. He slides down my pants in one swift motion. I sigh softly, while Duff pulls my panties down. Throwing the clothing, he gets on his knees in front of me. Already I was wet. Duff kisses my clit and I rest my thighs on his shoulders. Duff slides his callused fingers into me. I moan softly, grabbing his hair. The knot in my stomach was tightening quicker than I'd hoped. "Oh Duff.." Right now was so right, Duff sucking on my clit and fingers pumping in and out, turned me on a lot.

   I gasp myself awake, the feeling of wetness between my legs. "Oh fuck.." I whine, arching my back. (stretching) I walk past Duff and he smirks at me. I walk into the bathroom and clean up. When I come out Duff motions towards him. I walk towards him and Izzy looks at us. "What?" I ask softly. "You can do this baby, when we get the money I'll buy you anything you want.." Duff whispers. I nod, praying we will get the money. I walk and sit over with Izzy, hoping he will distract me from the ache. "Hi Izzy whizzy." I smile, making eye contact. He looks up from the magazine. "Hi." He smiles, turning to me. Me and Izzy talk, and talk. I think that's the most I've ever heard him.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora