the uno party

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What was she doing?

She stared down at the unfamiliar numbers and blank text box in the Message app. The cursor blinking, waiting.

Seriously, what was she doing?

After the shit show that was her personal life over the past year—hell even longer than that—why was she purposely thinking about this? She had stood on the dining table at Holiday House just over a week ago, wine bottle in hand as she and her friends loudly declared this the summer of taking no shit from any man. And yet here she was, about to text some guy she didn't know. All because last night, Jason Sudeikis had told her about his friend and a friendship bracelet.


"So this may seem weird. But something is compelling me to tell you this story." Jason had all but blurted once they were alone. They'd both stepped away from the Uno game to grab a snack at a table tucked in a corner and had been talking late summer plans—his with his kids and hers after the LA shows. She'd known Jason since she was 20 years old and hosted SNL. And while sure, they weren't best friends, she knew him well enough that he was nervous about something.

"I have a buddy, Travis Kelce, who I reached out to about a charity thing coming up, and well, he told me about going to your show over the weekend."

"Oh cool, the football player right?" She remembered the stories earlier in the year about the Kelce brothers playing against each other in the Super Bowl. Had even watched a few interviews while she worked out at the gym getting ready for tour. He'd been tall and funny and very cute with his family from what she recalled.

"Yep, one and the same. Listen, he's a really awesome dude. Big family guy, who works hard, and gives back to KC big time. I wouldn't be telling you this if I didn't think he's worth it to mention" Jason paused again. "Anyway, he was telling me about the show and I don't think he realized I knew you."

Taylor would have been worried about where the story was headed if Jason hadn't smiled big at that moment.

"He couldn't shut up about the show and how awesome you were. But also that he'd seen this interview of you and how endearing it was and that he'd mustered up the courage to make a friendship bracelet for you because of that interview. Only, he couldn't get backstage to give it to you. Something about you not having visitors that night."

It must have been night two when the Missouri side of her family had been there. All her cousins taking pictures and geeking out over the Chiefs' locker room.

She had several questions but one came to the forefront, "A friendship bracelet?"

"Yeah, with his number on it," Jason said, laughing.

Taylor almost rolled her eyes even if it was a ballsy move and she was intrigued by his confidence. But something stopped her and made her ask, "What was the interview?"

Jason laughed some more, "Jimmy Fallon...something about naming cat breeds?"

"Oh my god," Taylor laughed then herself, covering her face. How embarrassing...except...he'd called it endearing.

"Listen, I do not usually try to set my friends up," Jason said seriously. "But the fact is, knowing both of you—you'd have a lot in common. But more than that, I know Travis and he's a great guy. The Chiefs are basically the You of football. So, I think he's someone who could handle the 'Taylor Swift' of it all. And you deserve that."

Taylor grabbed his arm, touched, "Thanks, Jason. That means a lot."

"So you gonna ask for..." he said inquisitively.

She hesitated for a minute, recalling her year. The heartbreak, the very short-term bad decision that came after heartbreak, and the healing she'd been going through on this tour.

"I honestly think if you're not ready yet, that's okay. He's gonna find a way to shoot his shot with you, Taylor. He seemed that into you. I'm sure he'll find a way to reach out if you want to wait."

"No," she interrupted him, suddenly feeling hopeful. "Give me his number. No one ever tries to make a move on me. I've gotta give the one person who does a nod, even if it comes to nothing."

"I can do you one better," Jason said, reaching into his back pocket for his phone. "I teased him and told him I'd only believe the story if he sent me a photo of the bracelet. He had it in my inbox in 30 seconds."

He messed with his phone for a minute and a ding came from her phone. There in a bunch of bright-colored beads was a number. She remembered again what Travis Kelce looked like from the Super Bowl and smiled thinking about a football player attempting to make one. But looking closer, it seemed to be missing...

"Jason, the last two digits don't show up in the photo, do you have the rest of his number?"

He looked down at his phone again, "Oh, yeah. The last two are 1 and 3."

Taylor looked up startled. But then realized she shouldn't be. Life was always leading her exactly where she should be with that number. She copied his full number over into her phone and saved it as ***Maybe***

"Thanks, Jason. I just might give him a chance."


And now here she was the next morning. She realized that she wasn't actually rethinking her confidence from the night before. It was more that something was making her slow down. Something felt like it was about to change, and she wasn't sure what but she wanted to be ready for it. Open to it. Wanted to listen to her own words and take the moment.

She took a deep breath and started typing.

Hey, this is Taylor. I heard you have a friendship bracelet for me?


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