He's coming back!

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Sirisha's pov:

"Ahhhh, leave my hair" i screamed at my younger brother Ayush who was as usual teasing me and clutching my hair and pulling them, but apparently i cannot hit him back or clutch his hair because according to my mother he is 6 years younger than me, i mean so what if he's younger than me? It doesn't give him the privilege to hit me!!!

Ohh! I forgot to introduce myself. Hi! I am Sirisha Malhotra, and suffering in this cruel world from the last 22 years and now soon i am going to get scolded from my mother because my brother ran away from my room to my mother crying because i pushed him and he fell on the floor.

"SIRISHA MALHOTRA!! You better come down right now or you'll be standing on the streets with your bags in your hand looking for another home" mumma screamed in one go, "mom you should have been a swimmer instead of a house maker, because as far as i know only swimmers can hold their breaths for so long and say such a big sentence in one go." I said while coming down the stairs because obviously I don't want to leave this house or worst get my chef privileges snatched from me.

I love my mother and I guess my brother also but I have this some sort of sarcastic relationship with them. But my favourite out of my family members is my dad, whenever my mum used to ask me whom I love more as i child I always used to say "I love papa 51% and you 49%" and she always used to reply looking at my dad "i kept her in my womb for 9 months and I don't even get half of her love?"

Ok back to present. It's currently a Tuesday evening and i am sitting with my mom in the kitchen listening to her ranting about our neighbourhood because she just came back from her kitty party. I was quietly listening to her and passing my judgments about some judgmental aunties when she out of the blue asked me "ohh you remember mrs. Singhania's son Aviraj?" "Who? That Aviraj who always had his finger inside his mouth and who was always crying hysterically for some reason?" I asked mom

"Yes that Aviraj only" she said. Aviraj was a year older than me and I last saw him when he was 7 years old because after that their family had shifted to Manhattan because uncle had just started his business and to grab some better opportunities they shifted. They shifted back to Indore a few months back but Aviraj was still in Manhattan because of some reason.

"Oh! Nice" i said

"What oh nice?" My mom mocked while smiling me. "What should i say then? Ohh woww Aviraj will be back how nice our neighbourhood will be now" i said mocking her back.

"Achhaa? You forgot about your first crush? If your forgot about it let me remind you it was crying with a finger in his mouth Aviraj only" my mom said taunting me. And trust me i thought she forgot about it cause' it's been so many years. "Mumma please stopppp!" I said hiding my face in my palms out of embarrassment.

After that we had our dinner and i came back to my room and locked it while standing against it in excitement "he's coming back, he's coming back, he's coming back, he's coming back" I screamed this sentence again and again in my mind. Aviraj and his family had shifted from Indore when I was 6 years old but still i never forgot about him because duhh!! Everyone remembers their first crush.

After ranting to myself i went to the washroom and did my business then came back to bed. I tried to sleep but their were many questions going on in my head "How would he look now?" "Does he still have that mole on his forehead?" "Does he still have those mesmerising ocean blue eyes?" "WAIT. Does he even remember who i am?". With those thoughts in my head my hand took hold of my phone and i started searching for his I'd everywhere.

After some stalking i finally found his I'd but to my luck it was a private I'd and there was nothing i could do about it other than whining. Then after about half an hour sleep engulfed me.

Next day:
I woke up to a total chaos in the house. As i opened my eyes, I took my phone from the nightstand and looked at the time and my eyes widened, it was 1:16p.m. I quickly rose from my bed, got ready and headed downstairs. I found my mom in the kitchen, as soon as she saw me she gave me a death glare but i ignored her and went to papa. He engulfed me in a hug while giggling "mera bacha uth gaya?" I nodded my head. My dad never woke me up from my sleep as he thought that this was the only time i could sleep this peacefully.

"what is mumma doing in the kitchen? Isn't lunch already prepared by the house help?" I asked him "The lunch is prepared and we all had it around 15 minutes before u came downstairs and i am in the kitchen because we have guests coming over for dinner tonight" my mom said. "Who is coming tonight maa?" I question her. "Singhania family" she replied. I nodded my head and then realisation hit me "WHAT!?" I said. "Beta do u need to visit a doctor? I think I said it loud and clear enough for u to understand." She mocked me.

"Not now mumma." I whined while running to my room to get ready as now I'll be heading to a beauty parlour. Why you ask? Because i want to look presentable in front of the singhania's, even though I don't know if Aviraj would be there or not but i still wanted to look presentable without any facial hair. I reached the parlour and got my business done.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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