Superhero in Secret!

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A/N: This is a one-shot story! Saying this, I would also like to say, if you don't like one shots, this story is not for you! it has an entire plot line and a plot diagram, but it still classifies as a one shot, so I hope you enjoy!

Juliette was a normal, easy-going girl who went to a school in Ermitage International School, Paris. She was loved and adored by everyone around her, and had climbed the ranks in smartness and strategy. All of her friends were always over, and her teachers thought she was a complete delight! Even though she was loved and adored, she had a big secret that no one else knew about, not even her family. She was a secret superhero! Her story is like one straight out of the books, but this one was wrong...was different. This one is in real life, playing out in full motion. She saved countless lives over and over, but one villain came who changed everything. Herself. 

Saturday morning, 1998. Juliette had a red welt appearing across her swollen cheek and she sighed as she went and rolled up some gauze and bandages to cover it. Recently, she had felt so out of element. Before, when she had just gotten her powers and officially became a superhero, she was ecstatic! Now, not so much. She decided maybe she should sleep things over, so she heaved herself over to her bed, expecting to stay awake for at least a few hours, but instead she slumped and fell asleep immediately.

Juliette carefully descended into the glowing cave using the ropes she had stuffed last-minute into her backpack. She had run astray from her 5th grade field trip, and she was now exploring the jungle by herself. They wouldn't notice. They never did. And besides, her curiosity had gotten the best of her. She thought she was safe, for she knew she would be back before sunset. The cave she was climbing in was now glowing a violent green and a hazy purple lit the insides. C'était bon? C'était mauvais? She finally reached the rock bottom of the cave and followed the light. She felt connected to it somehow, connected to the...power inside of the cave. So she ran to the middle of the now darkly lit area. Rocks were crumbling on both sides of her, and her grim expression was casted as a shadow across the cave. There was a small lake, more like a puddle, to the edge of the area, and Juliette could see part of her reflection inside. She was wearing her school uniform, a green collared shirt with the school's name and logo printed in the middle, and she wore a black skirt with fishnet stocking to cover her legs. She shrugged and splashed the water, trying to make her reflection go away. When it didn't, she just sighed and continued walking until she reached the middle of the cave and saw what was, undeniably, a plain rock. She had climbed all the way down here, attracted by lights, to find a rock! Juliette thought she might as well just take it, so she reached out her hand and grabbed the rock to inspect it further. BOOM! A huge explosion filled the cave and Juliette found she had been pushed to the ground. Her face was covered in dust and she was stuck underneath rocks. She tried pushing herself upwards in order to free herself from the rocks, but she found herself panting within a matter of five minutes. The rocks were just too heavy. She knew she needed to get out soon though, so she heaved and heaved until she found herself losing blood quickly from the gashes the rocks had made on her stomach. She was about to black out when suddenly, the rocks were lifted and a lime green aura surrounded them until they were crushed to dust. A light purple aura now surrounded Juliette as the gashes on her stomach healed and the dirt was brushed off her face. She didn't know what to do, she didn't believe magic existed! What else could this be, though. Finally, she thought of something.

"Thank you," Juliette told the magic. "You saved my life. I have no idea if you can hear me, but thank you."

"Your politeness does you credit, young lady," the spirit answered. Juliette's eyes widened.

"Sorry, am I supposed to know you?" she asked.

"I wouldn't expect you to. My name is Zeus, divine lord of the gods. On the Greek side, of course. Now that you have touched that rock, I have no choice but to bestow you with your powers. But, beware! This comes with a price. You will be relentlessly chased. You will have to become a superhero in your own town. Do you accept?" he said. 

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