I don't get paid enough fo this shit

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Madam Pomfrey

There had been a Quidditch game today, Slytherin vs Gryffindor, so of course there was going to be plenty of people in the hospital wing today. Honestly, the Slytherins and Gryffindors are so competitive that I would just shut down the whole house system because of it. Not even talking about the house prejudice that the Slytherins go through!
The person the was the most injured this time was James' boy, Harry, and he had no bones in his arm thanks to that buffoon, Lockhart. If that egotistical, stupid, self-centered, self-serving, moron had just let me do my job, Harry would be out of the hospital wing in a few hours! But no, now he's stuck here over night and Lockhart endangered a student by doing a spell that he clearly wasn't qualified to do.
It was dinner now which meant that I have to get some food from the house elves and bring it to the hospital wing for Harry. I was coming back to give Harry his food when I heard some voices.

"Don't scare me like that again Hadrian James Potter! You're lucky it was just your arm, what if that bludger had hit you in a more vital area! You could've been killed! Why didn't you just ask Hooch to call time when you realized that the bludger was malfunctioning! What would I have done if you had died! Harry think about the people who care about you every once in a while you git." That voice I recognized as the one belonging to Draco Malfoy. He was known for his rivalry with Harry that began on the first day. What was he doing with Harry now then?
"'m sorry Dray. I didn' mean to worry you besides it's not my fault! I really wanted to win. Plus my bones being gone is Lockhart's fault not mine." There was a shuffling noise before Draco spoke again, "You reckless, idiotic, stupidly Gryffindor, prat! Promise me you won't put your fucking life in danger for a stupid game of Quidditch, ever again. If you do, I swear I will hex your ballocks off you bloody wanker!"
Deciding to make my presence known, I opened the curtain in surrounding Harry's bed to see Draco well- cuddling Harry? I've never see a Gryffindor and Slytherin ever even think about willingly being within 5 feet of eachother til now. James, your son just keeps on making the impossible, possible.
"Right boys," Draco jumped as I spoke and moved away from Harry. The poor boy also started sputtering apologizes before I cut him off, "Draco you're allowed to stay the night as long as you can get this stubborn Gryffindor to eat his dinner and Harry, this better be the last time you're here over night." I left the tray of food next to the table and closed the curtains.

"I don't get paid enough to deal with this, Albus." I say before pulling out a flask of firewhiskey and taking a sip.

Professor McGonagall

Sirius Black had torn up the painting that lead to Gryffindor common room so all the children have been sleeping peacefully in the Great Hall which had been transformed. Sirius. He was part of the marauders and while wasn't the brightest student, he sure was the most loyal. I'm still getting over the fact that he would betray Lily and James.
Right as I was about to head to sleep and let another teacher take my shift, I heard two students talking.
"Shhh she'll catch us if you keep on talking that loud, Potter." Said one Draconis Lucius Malfoy, the least likely person to be talking to anyone with the name of 'potter.' "Will you just shut up and let me explain, Fred and George gave me this map but it- Malfoy! Stop that." So he was talking to Harry. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop on students but this is unexpected and the rumor mill at Hogwarts would have a field day. "Stop what, Harry, I'm not doing anything."



Prat-" Harry was cut off and one look in their direction would show that they were, in lack of better terms, snogging  eachother senseless. Minerva McGonagall took that as a sign to leave

"I guess I owe Albus 50 galleons."

Professor Snape

I Don't Get Paid Enough For This Shit (DRARRY)Where stories live. Discover now