8.Big bad Alpha

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Alyssa's POV

I went downstairs and looked around and screamed when I saw a shadow by the window.

The shadow disappeared as the lights went on.

"What happened Aly?! Are you alright?" Miles was suddenly standing front of me, examining me with worried eyes.

I was still in a trance from the shock I just got.

"Th...there was someone h..here." I breathed and gulped as I turned back towards the window.

It was slightly opened proving that someone had indeed come in through the window.

"Shit. Who could it be?" Seth who I hadn't noticed was there before muttered as he looked outside the window then shut it.

"I can smell mint leaves. The intruder must be into herbs." Miles said.

"It could be a rogue. I'll go check with the pack warriors." Seth said and exited the house.

"Are you okay?" Miles rested his hands on my shoulder as I shaked slightly.

"What would this person want? How did he even get pass the pack's border with all the warriors stationed there. Miles I'm really scared for my son. Someone could be out for him for all we know." I said anxiously and Miles pulled me into him, holding me gently.

"Nothings gonna happen to you or Kian. Not while I'm still here. You have nothing to fear or worry about." He said, rubbing soothing circles on the small of my back.

"Just trust me."

Axel's POV

I hit the last ball fiercely and ran a hand through my blonde locks as I watched the small volleyball run and fall into the hole.

"Voila! I knew none could defeat you. You're the Alpha after all." Dad said a little too excited.

"C'mon dad, you know I'm only good simply because I learnt from the best.". I said as I picked my water bottle and gulped down it's content.

"I heard there's a supposed war between the Cross moon pack and Blue stone pack?" Dad said bringing me a white towel.

"So I heard. Alpha Lawrence is a blood thirsty man and I always thought Alpha Miles was too young when he took the Alpha title." I replied and poured the remaining water from my bottle over my head.

"He doesn't stand a chance against Alpha Lawrence." I said wiping my face with the white towel.

"You're right son and this could actually be an opportunity for you." Dad said eyes glistening with delight.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

He took a sit opposite me and clasped his hands.

"Don't you get son? What I mean is, you should join forces with Alpha Miles. Support him in the war. That way we'll have an Ally. I heard he leads a victorious Army. Imagine our packs coming together, how strong we will be." Dad said, constantly demonstrating with his hands to give more effect to his words.

"You're right Dad. That is actually very thoughtful of you." I smiled at him. "I'll contact Alpha Miles now." I finished and went to my office inside the pack house.

I punched in some numbers on my office phone and dialed it.

"Hello? Alpha Miles. Can you hear me?" I said.

'Yes. Who am I speaking with?" I heard the deep voice on the other end.

I didn't know why I felt at peace while making this phone call. It was like someone special was near.

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