What It Means To Be Special

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In a world where a lot of people gather to make a society, a human being is not generalized by a group alone that makes them the same as everyone else. There's always someone that will stick out more than any other person, and that is what everyone always called, "Special".

And, some young boy named Barren that will looked at special one, and thought to himself, that he can be one of them. He can be, someone that we're "Special".

Barren : "Hey, Zella what are you doing?"

Zella : "Hm? nothing, just drawing the scenery."

In his early days in elementary school, Barren meet a young girl named Zella, and she has a hobby of drawing a lot of thing. And because all of her drawing that she has done are so good, even comparing it against professionals, she always gets praised by adults. And they always call her, a "Prodigy". Meaning, she was "Special".

And meeting with her, Barren thought that maybe, he could be like her. That, he could be "Special" too like he always wanted.

Barren : "Then, can i draw beside you? I also bought the set!"

Zella : "Sure, go ahead."

Barren : "Well, just saying, its my first time drawing but it think my work will beat yours!"

Zella : "Hahaha, well i like to see you try."

And just like that, they will sit right next to each other, drawing till' hours on end. But everytime they did that, every work that they've done, it will always, always, be Zella that get the praised. When the other look at Barren work and get confused. Of course they we're, it just a normal child scribble, and standing it between so called "Professional Work," it can't even be compared.

Zella : "I think you got better at drawing, that piece looks cool."

Barren : "...Thanks."

Zella : "Don't worry, you will outdone me in drawing like you always said, im sure of it!"

Barren : "Well, i hope so, haha..."

Zella : "Here, i give one of my painting for you. I think, you could use it as a reference.."

Barren : "Thanks, I guess."

Barrentook the painting with a bitter smile on his face. He knew deep down that he will never outdone her in drawing. He was sure of it. So he gave up on it. But there some strange feeling crumbling in his stomach, that leave a distasteful feeling in his mouth. But even so, there still determination left in him. So, he continued on drawing.

Zella : "Hey, Barren lets go draw together again!"

Barren : "Sorry, but i got something to do."

Zella : "But...no, maybe next time then."

Barren : "Yeah, Sure. Next time."

Barren turn his back without looking at Zella face. This happens way more than once. Countless invitation by Zella is rejected. And with that, they gradually stop talking to each other. But even so, Barren never stop on his drawing.

Barren : "WHY!"

A loud bang can be heard. Along with that, there's a crumpled piece of paper that has been thrown onto the wall, hitting a glass frame that holds the painting that Zella gave him some time ago.

Barren : "It's still, not, good enough!"

The piece of paper begins to unravel along with the gravitation, and on that, there is a scenery that has been drawn.

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