How Christmas Traditions Start

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A/N- Hello lovelys,
I hope everyone is doing well and not getting sick during the Christmas season. Be prepared for some fluff.

Shopping with Kibum has always presented a challenge, albeit with a touch of frustration. Nevertheless, Minho's excitement never wavers when his partner invites him to go shopping. Spending time with Kibum brings immense joy to Minho, to the extent that he still becomes giddy whenever he receives such an invitation. It surprises him every time.

Kibum, an independent and spirited individual, never allows being in a relationship to hinder his autonomy. He believes in asserting his individuality and insists on handling most tasks by himself. He claims it is a way of remaining true to himself and preserving harmony in his relationship with Minho. Kibum's occasional remarks about "killing" Minho, delivered with a sharp tongue and devoid of seriousness, have somehow managed to deepen Minho's affection for him.

Hence, today, Minho has taken the effort to dress elegantly, donning a shirt gifted to him by Kibum last Christmas. While he doesn't fully comprehend Kibum's reason for inviting him on this shopping excursion, he is certain there is a deeper meaning behind it.

"Minho, come here," Kibum calls out, beckoning him from the rack of Christmas jumpers.

Minho adores Christmas, especially now that he has someone to share the joy it brings. The festive lights, Christmas trees, decorations, and the cosy atmosphere all fill his heart with beauty.

Leaving the Christmas jumpers behind, Minho walks up to Kibum, resting his head on Kibum's shoulder and wrapping his arms around him. Their gazes fixate on the gold pack of baubles in Kibum's hands.

"We've already decorated our tree. Why do you want them?" Minho curiously asks.

"I want to redecorate it. Let's face it... the hot pink and leopard print theme we have going on might be a bit much when we have guests over for Christmas dinner," Kibum explains.

Minho feels a slight offence, even though he wasn't the one who chose those audacious baubles. He even accepted them without complaint when Kibum brought them home. However, despite the oddity of their Christmas tree resembling something out of a brothel, Minho has grown attached to its unique appearance.

"No," Minho responds firmly.

"What?" Kibum questions, perplexed.

"But I don't want to change it to gold. That's too conventional, Kibum. You despise anything ordinary!"

Kibum huffs and playfully pinches Minho's hand, causing a surprised yelp. "Well, we'll have to find a compromise then. I'll do something for you if you let me change our hideous tree."

Minho ponders for a moment their tree isn't truly hideous, and that Kibum probably doesn't genuinely think it is either. Suddenly, an idea strikes him. He knows Kibum would never agree to it unless it was part of a deal, and this idea is simply amazing.

"Okay," Minho agrees.

"Okay?" Kibum questions, unsure why Minho changed his mind so quickly, as convincing Minho to do something he doesn't want to do usually takes ages.

How Christmas Traditions Start MinKey (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now