Chapter 8

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Marianna sat by her vanity, staring in the mirror at her reflection, as she applied the deep rouge to her lips, "Aruru mi niño, arrurú mi amor" the soft echoes of her mothers lullabies whispered through the air, as she placed her perfectly neat curls into position, "Aruru pedazo de mi corazón",  she glanced into the reflection of her eyes, her fingers tracing the mole above her lip and under her eye, as she recalled her fathers words.

"Divina, your middle name, meaning like a goddess, fitting since your beauty can't be compared to even that of aphrodites" he stroked his daughters cheek "you are my little goddess, mija" pushing a strand of rogue hair behind her ear, "you remind me so much of mama, just as beautiful".

"Your father asked me to come retrieve you" Anton interrupted her memory, "the fundraiser has started, we must leave now" Anton pauses staring at the girl, "oh Anton what are you staring at me for" Marianna cheakily grins, hopping up to her feet, slinking her way towards the unsuspecting man, running her finger along his cheek and down his jawline, leaning in reaching his lips, as Anton lets out a small gasp of air, Marianna slips away chuckling "what would papa say if he saw us like that", Anton grunts in frustration as he follows the girl down the stairs of the house they were staying in, towards where her father waited. "Hermosa como siempre" her fathers states as he sees his beautiful daughter, "now remember, tonight is important, please behave pequeño", she sighs at the nickname, grasping onto her fathers hand, placing it hers, "yes papa, now lets go were already late" rushing towards the door and heading towards the car waiting.

The Shelby boys were spread throughout Tommy's house, as the fundraiser was in full sing, music filling the air, women giggling and plenty of alcohol pouring, but they weren't focused on that, instead waiting for their newly found acquaintances. Perked by the bar Isaiah, Michael and Finn sat together sipping on their whiskeys as they admired the girls on the dance floor, grinning and smirking at whichever ones gave them attention. They were near the front door as to make sure they would run and find Tommy and the others when Mr Dominguez made his entrance, though the three of them were far too busy elsewhere.

As they neared the driveway of the house, Marianna felt strange, she wasn't sure what it was, she wasn't nervous or scared, her father had taught her not to be, only weak people who cared too much were nervous or scared. But still she had this unexplainable feeling in her stomach, she hadn't seen the Shelbys or Peaky Blinders in five years, she wondered how they had changed, if they had missed her, if they even would recognise her, but she pushed these feelings aside remembering the words of the two boys who broke her heart and sent her packing. "We're here boss" Fernando stated from the front of the car, as her father grabbed her hand softly, and Anton stopped the car, opening the door for her and helping her and then her father.

Inside, the music grew to that of a waltz, the grand orchestral music echoed through the ballroom, as the guests began to fill the floor, finding their dance partners. Isaiah and the other boys turned their head to the dancing crowd as they looked on, only their gazes where grabbed onto the now opening door, as Alejandro made his entrance, followed by Anton and Fernando, only this time there was one more guest they hadn't met, or so they thought. As they walked forward and Mr Dominguez reach out for Tommy's hand, only then was his daughter brought into view. Finn and Isaiah's mouths dropped, they could recognise her fiery hair and big eyes from anywhere. "Marianna" whispered Isaiah. 

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