Chapter 7

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Thomas Shelby had called a meeting with the family and such, as they gathered around in the betting den awaiting the orders from the boss regarding Small Heath's newest guest. "Arthur did Ronnie have any family, anyone we can send some money too" Tommy asks beginning the meeting, "no, not anyone that I know of, only his cousins and distant relatives" there was a pause, the family knew to not mention Marianna, "but what does it matter Tommy, what the fuck are we going to do about the ones who cut him up". Arthur was angry, the whole lot of them were, not they were going to greatly miss Ronnie, but someone had come to their town and made a fool of them. "Yeah now that them spaniards are here, I hear they run the drug trade everywhere" John calling out as mutters begin to spread throughout the shop, each person speculating their own theories.

"Cubans" Tommy spoke up silencing the room, "it's Cubans not Spanish", "how do you know this Tommy" Aunt Pol questions taking a long drag from her cigarette perched in her lips. "Late last night I received a phone call from a man named Alejandro Dominguez, the leader of a cartel in Cuba called the 'Navaja's'", the silence echoed throughout the room, everyone confused at to what was happening. "He asked for a meeting with the family, and I agreed" Tommy continues. "When" Arthur asking Tommy as John chimes in "and where", receiving a concerned look from the rest of the Peaky Blinders, "today, noon, the garrison" Tommy states, followed by "no questions asked by the lot of you, we will go and hear what he has to say." "And then we cut him" yells Arthur "yeah make him pay for that little display" grunts John, with a couple of nods and grunts of agreement. "Hold your cocks, we don't know the threat this man poses" aunt pol states getting up from her seat and walking towards Tommy, leaning in "What is it you want us to do?" And so Tommy had made a plan and told each person their role, Isaiah and few other blinders who weren't part of the family were to stand on guard by the betting shop, ensuring both that it was running as normal, but also that it was safe from any unwanted persons. As for the family, Arthur, John, Tommy and Finn sat on a table inside an empty garrison awaiting for the arrival of their guest. As Polly went to the church and prayed for nephews safety against their newest threat.

The doors to the garrison opened as a tall man walked through, a sleek crisp suit framed his figure, as the crimson pocket square peaked out. His moustache hid the large scar above his lip well, but did not go unnoticed by Tommy. Followed by two younger men, the man they presumed to be Alejandro sat down opposite from the Shelbys, "Deténgase aquí" he muttered to the two men beside him as they stood behind the man. "Hello, I'm Alejandro Dominguez, am I too assume you are the Shelby brothers" his charm was wicked, his voice was rich and smooth, songlike as he reached out his hand to take off his hat and place it on the table, a glint of evil in eyes. "Yes I'm Arthur, and these are my younger brothers, Tommy, John and Finn" as he says each name, they reach out and shake his hand. Finn glancing from his position at the two men behind him, he thought they might be his sons, though he would most likely show them more respect. Finn, although empty headed was always good at reading people, he could tell there was clear power hierarchy between the three men, and the two younger ones held a great amount of respect for the older man.

"I must start by apologising for the little display outside, you see my daughter was never one to hold her temper", his voice filled the room, as a glint of surprise lit the Shelbys faces, "your daughter did that to our Ronnie boy" jokes John making light of the tense situation, "yes you see Ronnie was a cerdo, a pig, he only got what was deserved" "look we are sorry if Ronnie messed around with your daughter, though we can't see why you would make such a long travel for that" informed Arthur, but Tommy could tell it was something more as he looked at Mr Dominguez. "No" he almost yelled, the smirk dropping from John and Arthurs faces as a chill entered the garrison, "he stole somethings from me a long time ago, I've gotten part of it back, but I want the rest of it" he almost smiled as he spoke, which struck fear in Finn, how could a man so commanding and scary be so endearing and cheerful. "Mr Shelby", Alejandro addresses Tommy aware of his position as boss, "am I correct to assume that Mr Weltwood has always been a peaky blinder, or no?" Tommy was puzzled by the question but informed Mr Dominguez "no, he had come to town after being away for some time, out on a job of sorts, and came to me in need of job for money as he had taken his cousin in". The mere mention of his daughter and the idea of her living under that mans roof was enough make him want to kill everyone in this room, but he refrained, he sensed no need for hostility. "Ah I see, well I appreciate your helpfulness", Alejandro begins as he collects his hat placing it on his head, "and I assure you Mr Shelby I'm not here to start trouble with your family or business, I could even sense a sort of friendship between us" he leans in shaking Tommy's hand again, but not letting go "Im a very powerful man, and I'm here for business, as long as neither one of us gets in each others way we will be fine" from the corner of his eye Tommy could see Arthur and John seething, ready to pounce on the man and cut him up for daring to threaten their brother, but Tommy was intrigued as to what the man was here for and this could only be solved if they weren't at war. "I agree, in fact come to the fundraiser I'm hosting tonight, and bring this daughter of yours" pulling his hand away, Alejandro grinning respecting Tommy's bravery. "I will see you tonight, Shelbys" he turns to the two men stating "vamos", as they walked out the garrison, leaving the Shelby brothers both shocked and intrigued. 

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