Chapter 6

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5 years later

Marianna Divina Domínguez, no longer Weltwood or some false name that pig lied to her about. In the five years since Marianna left Small Heath and returned home with her father to Cuba, she had grown into a strong, even more beautiful woman, blossoming under the cuban sun, as her skin grew darker, enriched by the heat, and her hair went wilder, the breeze and the sea coursing through her. Marianna loved her life, from a small shitty town under the roof of a malvada, to an empire, to which she was the princess and her father was king. But Marianna knew, and was promised when the time came, revenge. Whilst Marianna grew in strength and beauty over the five years, Small Heath continued to rot, as the parasite laid in the very foundations of the town. The Peaky Blinders were roaming through the town, as they did each day, ensuring their town was safe, none of them, especially not two matured young boys, expected what was coming their way.

Isaiah Jesus and Finn Shelby certainly had grown psychically over the past five years, both maturing into handsome young men, though the same could not be said about them as people, both as immature as the days Marianna lived there. Both boys wasted their time away with a new girl each night, drinking to their hearts content, forgetting there ever was a Marianna, but that wouldn't last.

Isaiah, Finn and Michael roamed down watery lane, their destination set in mind, longing to reach the garrison, but not before the few cheeky glances and smirks at the young women of Small Heath. "Well, Well, Sophie Stockport is sure looking better as the days go on" Finn chuckles, "sure you could say, but a lousy fuck" Isaiah smirks back, both boys finding themselves amusing. "What's all the commotion ahead" Michael states, disrupting the boys lighthearted mood, as the three of them look ahead to a crowd of distraught people in front of the garrison, yelling and curses could be heard. The three boys look to each other before running ahead to reach the crowd, shoving people aside only to reach the middle. "Oh fuck" Isaiah groans in frustration, turning and seeing a young girl who threw up at the sight in front of them. There he was, Ronnie Weltwood, though not looking particularly well, sprawled across the floor, slashes all across his face and body, whilst his blood had been painted across the garrison front spelling 'el diablo esta aqui'. "The fuck does that mean" yells out Michael, as the boys look at the words painted in blood, "I don't know I don't speak Italian" grunts Finn, receiving a smack to the back of his head by a very angry Thomas Shelby, who had just moments before been made aware of the display in front of the garrison. "Its Spanish you lump" receiving a cascade of laughs from Isaiah and Michael, "the three of you clean this up, it looks like the Spanish have arrived to town".

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