Chapter 1

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Marianna awoke at the sound of the bustling streets of Small Health, shop doors opening, the groans of drunk men returning home and the light chatter of the townspeople. She was quick to leap out of bed and into her day dress, sitting in front of the assortment of glass shards she had pieced together to make a mirror, and tied her hair into her signature style, half up and half down, with messy pieces falling to the front of her face, that she would be sure to tuck away behind her ears later.

She rushed to shove her feet into her boots as she tumbled down the stairs, whilst tying her laces and grabbing her coat. "What's the rush Mary" Ronnie's gravelly voice called out, cringing at the name no one else called her, putting a dim to the light on her face. She thought he would still be passed out on the couch from where he laid last night. "Nothing I'm just going out, starting the day early" she replied, trying to not show any signs of interest in her voice, so that Ronnie might let her leave quicker without a word. "You best not being seeing them bloody boys aga-" but before he could finish, Marianna ran out the door, slamming it shut and wiping away any sign of distaste, she wouldn't let him ruin her day, especially not on a day as great as today.

"Bloody hell what's got you smiling so much" called out an unamused Finn, as he sat across from a very hungover Isaiah, the two looked as if they had only just arrived to shop. "Oh come on" she stood looking at them, raising her eyebrows, not giving them any hint. "Whats wrong with her, see I told you Finn, I knew she would go mad" yelled out a dreading Isaiah as he groaned and gripped his head, reaching out his arm to Finn waving it, Finn grunting as he pulled out a coin placing it in Isaiah's palm. "It's not fair, anyone could guess that, everyone goes mad at some point" he watched as Isaiah grinned and took his precious coin.

"How dare you" the utter shock on her face as she watched the two boys converse in front of her, walking forward and smacking the back of their heads, "ow" one boy said, the other stating "what was that for". "You really mean to tell me you have forgotten" both boys looked on at her, as her smile began to fall and her eyes grew tired, but before either boy could say a thing John Shelby walked through the door. "You still tormenting those poor boys Anna",  a smile and red tint threatened to spread across her cheeks, but she refrained knowing the two boys would make fun of her later. "Not anything less than what they deserve" she responded cheekily, "I would hope not" and as John went to leave he turned back to the pack, "Oh and happy birthday Anna, 13 is a big one" leaving without another word. As a grin spread across her face she mumbled to herself, "at least someone remembered".

The two boys leaping to their and feet towards the girl, forcing the three of them to topple over and crash to the ground, drawing the attention of many of the men in the betting shop. Littering her cheeks with millions of kisses, the two boys, still lying flat on top of her in a pile, yelled as many apologies as they could think hoping the girl would forgive them. "Oh would you please get off of me, I can hardly breathe" she yelled " I didn't make it to 13 just to die on my birthday".

Both boys realised the position they were in and crawled back up, stumbling and shoving one another as they tried to get steady on their feet. "Of course, we're so sorry" Finn states as both boys grab a hand each and pull Marianna to her feet, "how can we ever apologise, please forgive us, pleeeeaaase" Isaiah teases, a cheeky glint in his eye. "Nevermind that, we have much to do" she said as the three slipped out of the shop, not without the eyes of a one Thomas Shelby glaring at them.

"So Anna now that your 13, any big plans" Finn asks as the three of them sit by the cut, "yes how does the great Marianna Weltwood plan on taking over the world" Isaiah announces, as Marianna lets out a slight giggle but not without masking it with a glare and rolling her eyes,"I'm not sure yet, I might start with sewing the both of your mouths shut".

The three of them often would escape the family dramas by the cut, throwing pebbles, determined to throw the furthest one, or hit the target on the other side, it was always a competition with them. Tension was rising with the Peaky Blinders, and the young three found this as their escape from their reality.

"So what shall we do today" Finn asks, disturbing their silence. "I'm not sure, whatever really, its just my birthday, its not like the king has come to town" Marianna states almost despairingly, "says the girl who just made a fuss about us forgetting" Isaiah smirked. She hit his arm and then hopped up, "yes I know, but that's because you are supposed to be my best friends" she pauses at the silence "the garrison", both boys looking at each other and then her puzzled at the rather quick change in mood. "Pardon" , "that is what I want to do, maybe now that I'm 13, Tommy and the rest of the boys will let me drink, and then I can get drunk like the two of you do" she says excitedly, she always wondered what it was like to be drunk, though the idea of it it wasn't far out of reach, she saw Finn and Isaiah drunk almost every day, and when they weren't drunk, they were almost always trying to score snow off someone. "Finally, something I can get on board with", Finn yelled, hopping up and starting the journey back to the shop.

As Marianna began to walk to, giggling as she saw Finn skipping in front of her, a soft hand startled her on her arm, as she turned to see a now almost shy Isaiah. "Isaiah, what is it, if we don't hurry we might loose Finn, or worse he might loose us", she joked, as Isaiah reached in his pocket  and pulled out a small box, "I know I forgot, but you must forgive me, its as if I'm still drunk" he placed the box in her palm "I saw it the other day and bought it for you, cost me a pretty penny too, but good thing I'm always winning Finn's bets", Marianna smiled, but deep down she her heart almost skipped a beat, she was unsure of the feeling and it made her uncomfortable, she shoved away the little twinge on her heart as she opened the box revealing a little pendant of a goddess figure, "thank you so much Isaiah" she placed a kiss on his cheek "you have no idea how much this means to me". There was a slight pause, a moment of silence, not awkward silence but just stillness, as Isaiah's cheeks heated, and Marianna's fear of making the situation awkward, grabbed his hand and ran forward "now where has Finn gone off too".

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