The Beginning

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Some years ago

"Mutter? Vater?! Where are you??!"

Hans searched for his parents while Karl, his younger brother cried beside him. They were alone in a place they didn't know, they were in Japan not Germany, their home. While Hans searched, a man came to them. He promised to help them. The man... Is Tsuneo Nishizumi.

Hans: Are you sure you can help us? You're stranger for us. (Hans is protecting his Karl who's crying)

Tsuneo: I'm here for help. I heard someone's crying when I was in my workshop. Is that him? Is he your brother?

Hans: Yeah... He is crying because our parents....

Tsuneo: Where are your parents?

Hans: I don't know... They just disappeared...

Tsuneo: That's bad... Would you and your brother wait at my workshop?

Hans: Can we trust you?

Tsuneo: You can. Trust me, I already have a wife, why should I do something horrible to you? Come on, let's go to my workshop (Tsuneo give offer his hand to Hans)

Then, they walked to Tsuneo's workshop.

After a while, Tsuneo reported this to the police. Time has passed and it is now evening. The three of them were at the police station with Tsuneo still with Hans and Karl. The police said that the whereabouts of Hans and Karl's parents were very complicated, especially because they were non-Japanese

Karl was still crying and Hans was comforting him. Because he felt sorry, Tsuneo then had and idea and he came to them and:

Tsuneo: Hey, I'm sorry for late introduction but my name is Tsuneo Nishizumi. Just called me Tsuneo, ok?

Karl: (still crying)

Hans: Oh yeah... My name is Hans Wittmann and my brother's name is Karl von Ribbentrop. I'm his older brother

Tsuneo: it's already night, would you come with me to my home? Don't worry, I don't do anything

Hans: Are you sure? Can we trust you?

Tsuneo: Of course. Let's go. Hold my hand, would you, boys?

Then, they held Tsuneo's hand and went to his home, the Nishizumi house. Tsuneo told them that he already married and has two daughters. What he really wanted was a son and he wanted to adopt Hand and Karl. But first, he needed permission and that permission from his wife, Shiho Nishizumi

Tsuneo: You two wait here, ok?

Both of them: Ok...

Tsuneo then went to Shiho's office

Tsuneo: Good evening, honey...

Shiho: What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?! Why are you coming home late?! It's already 11pm!!

Tsuneo: I know I know... Do you remember when I wanted a boy?

Shiho: Yes, what?

Tsuneo: So, can I-

Shiho: No, I don't have that mood right now

Tsuneo: No, I don't want that now, i want you to give me permission to adopt boys!

Shiho: (shock) What? Adopt?

Tsuneo: Yes! I'll adopt-

Shiho: Are you stupid?! We already have two daughters and you want to adopt boys?! We're having a bit of financial problems but you want to adopt boys?! Do not be selfish!!

Tsuneo: Please calm down. After you hear their story, you'll understand

Shiho: Speak now

For 15 minutes, Tsuneo told Shiho about Hans and Karl

Shiho: Hans and Karl?

Tsuneo: Yes, that is their name

Shiho: (sigh) Fine... You can adopt them but don't forget our daughters, understand??!

Tsuneo: Yes, I understand, honey. I'll take care of them. Hans, Karl! Come in

Then, Hans and Karl came to Shiho's office

Hans: H-Hallo. My name is Hans Wittmann and my bruder, Karl von Ribbentrop. He's too shy to talk with strangers

Shiho: Shy? Weak

Tsuneo: Oh please, honey. He's still a kid

Shiho: I expected the boys to be brave and fearless, but it turns out there are also people like this

Karl: (get intimidating)

Tsuneo: Shiho, please!

Shiho: And you, Hans. You must be the older brother. I have words for you, You have to teach your whiny little brother to be brave. I don't want a burden in this family, I'm counting on you, Hans

Hans: You can count on me.... Frau...

Shiho: Good, just keep calling me Frau. Even though I'm your "step mom" doesn't mean you can call me that. Two of you must call me Frau, no buts, understand?!

Karl: (still scared)

Hans: Jawohl, Frau!!

Shiho: (a bit smile)

Then, Tsuneo brought Hans and Karl to Maho and Miho

Tsuneo: Maho, Miho. They're Hans and Karl, your new brothers. Say hi to them

Miho: Hi! My name is Miho Nishizumi!

The four of them introduced themselves but Maho's cold eyes stared coldly at Hans which made Hans feel like he didn't really like Maho. Will they can be good siblings? I don't know either 😅

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