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Next Morning.

"Your highness! I saw them! The people you were looking for! King Kim Taehyung and his mate Ms y/n!" Namjoon sat on his one knee looking down.

"I also met the girl for whom Prince Jungkook left! I could smell his scent on her! She is chief commander! Victoria! Also a princess of that Kingdom!" Namjoon looked down.

"See i told you, if you keep postponing things will go out of hand! We must do something before we loose everything!" Kim Jong un said making the person who was sitting on the crown look at them bored.

"We must hold Victoria hostage! That's the only way to bring Prince back!" He Said walking towards him.

"Even so holding a girl hostage?" His deep voice echoed throughout the dead silent hall.

"Don't mistake her to someone innocent! She has killed many of our people! She even humiliated Namjoon infront of everyone!" He Said

That bored eyes looked at Namjoon who was kneeling infront of him.

"Is that true?" He asked

Namjoon raised his head as his eyes and met the lifeless eyes.

He didn't said anything.

"Then go on! Take many people you want! Just bring my younger brother back!" He Said standing up and walked away from them.

Namjoon stood up and looked at him.

"Now! Don't be gentle with her! She will sure put up a good fight! So use tactics in the process of abduction! And take binna with you! She will be helpful for you!" Jong un Said walking away as namjoon nodded his head.


Y/n was in her room, meditating. Practicing what Queen taught her.

She was trying to gather all her attention on her breathing and feeling the power flow in her veins.

"Excuse me,my lady! It's time for your training!" Patricia Said knocking on the door.

"Yeah okay!" Y/n breathed out as she stood up and walked out.

She went to the training ground and grabbed the rock sword.

Vicky was training other people when she heard a bam sound.

She looked to her side and Saw the both rock and sword were broken into tiny pieces.

"Woahhhh!!!" Everyone yelled clapping for y/n.

Y/n stood there with a straight face,not showing any emotions.

"Good job y/n!" Vicky Clapped for her as she nodded her head.

"Thank you, master!!" Y/n saluted making Vicky confuse.

What's wrong with y/n all of the sudden? Vicky thought.

But does she knows whole night yesterday she got ass whooping from Queen?

After training for sometime,y/n walked into her room

She breathed out heavily.

"Damn!!!! It's so cool!!!!" Y/n yelled jumping up and down

"I love you, queen!!" Y/n yelled happily.

Yesterday after y/n fell asleep.

She was in a garden looking thing but it's a empty place with no plants around just grass everywhere.

"Is this your domain?" Y/n asked

"Yes!" Queen answered.

"Wait aren't you a human?? How do you have powers and domain??" Y/n asked

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