Chapter 1: Listening in

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Part two: Amber pov

I never wanted to be here, its awkward enough as it is knowing our recent conflict.

I've been stuck with them for hours in her basement, and the only sound is their persistent voices and I can faintly hear Robbie Williams in the background, on the radio, singing 'angels'.

"And through it all, she offers me protection a lot of love and affection, whether I'm right or wrong-" his voice streams through the speakers and its the only thing keeping me calm.

I lean back and look away from the television which is currently showing 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', before glaring at my friend, who is currently curled up with her boyfriend on the opposite couch. This is a regular occurrence for me, Ellie phones me every evening and pleas with me until I come over because she's lonely. Once I drag myself down here I find that I'm not needed as her boyfriend; Jake is always there to comfort her. I bet she would chose him over me if she had too, she's done it before, and then when they break up with her she comes running back and because I'm such a forgiving person, I let her. Unfortunately though I can't leave unless there is an emergency as its considered rude and immature, which I am definitely not.

A soft buzzing sound alerts me to Ellie's phone, which is on the glass coffee table situated in front of me. I stare at the phone in silence as it vibrates signalling a text. The thought of who is texting her worries me often. She's given her number to a variety of people, even those that she met online and rather than being a cautious boyfriend, Jack is dismissive over everything in her life because apparently some things are meant to be kept personal and she has the right to keep secrets from him. I guess relationships have changed because when I was younger people took them much more seriously. Welcome to the new age.

After a moment the phone stops buzzing but seconds later the noise has been replaced with her ringtone indicating that someone's calling her. I sit patiently and tap my fingers against the armrest of the chair, uncomfortable with the situation.

Clearing my throat I speak up, "Hey Ellie, I think someone's calling you". She deliberately ignores me and snuggles closer to her boyfriend. I watch forcing a smile when Jack glances at me, he's light brown hair is gently mussed as their sitting curled up on the couch while she runs her fingers through his hair. He lifts his chin off her head and mouths 'You okay?'. I smile again gritting my teeth before she moves her head back so he can kiss her.

I sit disgusted at their behaviour, I've never been good with public displays of affection because some people don't know their limits but fortunately Jack is the exact opposite. While Ellie urges him to kiss her wherever they go, he tries to settle her with a peck on her lips as if it were a promise that better was yet to come and then he would hold her hand. So far its worked.

They both seem to be deliberately ignoring it as they kiss and she's giggling while he pulls her closer and flirtatiously whispers in her ear.

"Ellie" I repeat losing my patience "Ellie either pick up the phone or turn it off, I'm trying to watch a movie". She continues to ignore me and it feels as if the sound's getting louder. As I sit and watch them, my movie forgotten, I grab a lock of my ginger hair and twirl it around my finger, tugging viscously as time passes. Usually I'm a very patient person but I'm currently preparing for exams and I haven't had dinner so who knows what I'm capable of.

Deciding to ignore them I turn my attention back to the television to see Harry and Ron meet Hermione for the first time. Its one of my favourite scenes in the series, I just love seeing how different they were in the first book, compared to their last appearances. Just as I'm beginning to relax Ellie loudly laughs, the noise echoing throughout the room.

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