Chapter 30

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Because it's My (Jungkook's) husband's birthday todayy!!!


It was Jungkook's birthday in  one day and to say that Taehyung was panicking would be an understatement.

He was shit scared. You ask him why he's scared? Well, he won't tell you. (😭😂)

He had planned a little surprise for his little Kookie with the help of his partner in crime A.K.A his bestfriend A.K.A Park Jimin.

He wanted to make Jungkook feel special. To make him feel like he's the most precious person on this planet.

Taehyung was day dreaming about how he'll make Jungkook's birthday special, when his manager Mark practically shouted on him, “Taee.. reply to me?”

“Huh? What?” Taehyung came out of his trace and looked at Mark with confusion written all over his face.

“What is your problem Tae? Why are you zoning out so much? Everything alright?” Mark asked him with concern.

“Noo, I mean yeah. Everything's good. You tell me what you want me to do?” Taehyung asked him nonchalantly.

“Shoot. Tae. Shoot. You have a shoot with Celine, if you remember?” Mark sighed.

“Oh yeah, let's go.” Taehyung smiled at Mark awkwardly.

After that they both left for Taehyung's shoot.


Taehyung was busy with his shoot when Mark came running towards him. Taehyung stopped the shoot and looked at Mark with worry. Mark was visibly panicking. It was prominent in Mark’s face that something has happened.

“Mark, what happened?” Taehyung asked him worriedly.

“Tae.. Tae.. Jungkook. I don't know..” Mark stuttered.

As Taehyung heard Jungkook's name from Mark he got shit scared as to what happened to Jungkook. And why is Mark panicking because of Jungkook? Is he okay? Did something happened to his Kookie?

MARK, please take a deep breath and tell me what happened to Kookie? Is he okay?” Taehyung asked him.

“I don't know Tae. He was calling you. I thought it won't be something important so I didn't tell you. But he kept on calling you so I picked up the call. I don't know what has happened to him. He was just crying and saying ‘He's here, please save me’ I couldn't understand what he meant so I asked him what he's saying but he didn't tell me anything and kept on crying so I quickly ran towards you but look, the call has been disconnected and I don't know where is Jungkook. I'm really scared Tae. What happened to Kook? Who's disturbing him? Please talk to him.” Mark completed in one breath.

Taehyung’s eyes were wide as a saucer. He quickly took his phone from Mark’s hand and dialled Jungkook's number. But to his bad luck, the younger didn't pick up his call. So he kept on calling him again and again while running towards his car.

After few tries, Jungkook finally picked up the call.

“Kook, baby. What happened?” Taehyung spoke.

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