Rules and Regulations of the contest.

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Hi everyone. I'm Chelsea, and I am the host of this competition, "2023 Best Readers". Please comment on this chapter to register your book. Any genre of book can join. Fantasy, romance, sci-fi, etc; anyone can join. If you are interested, Comment "Register (Book name)" to join.
Below are the rules and regulations of the competition.

1} The book that is being registered must belong to you, and only you.

2} As you register, tag five people that you think may be interested. Tag in the comment box.

3} If you haven't completed the story, you'll have to edit it at least once every week.

4} When you have registered the book, you can not change any chapter of the book that has been published; until the competition has ended. Which is on the 20 January, 2024.

5} Follow me to keep track on the upcoming info. You will be blamed if you miss any announcements.

6} No piracy of other books.

7} Before changing your name or username on WATTPAD, you must let me know.

8} No bribing of judges.

9} Only a maximum of three (3) books of the same author can be entered.

10} State the full name of the book in the comment box.

11} No judge has the right to change the rules listed.

12} No judge should accept any form of bribery for the contestants/participants.

13} Any judge that refuses bribery is doing the right thing. But, if he/she doesn't report the incident to me, he/she will be striped of the rights of a judge.

14} Join before 10th January, 2024.

15} Set this hashtag on your story tag "#2023bestreaders".

16} Make a shout-out to any of my two books.

After reading the above rules of the "2023 Best Readers", I do not expect any of the participants or judges to break any rule.


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