Say Love for a Cure [Chapter 3]

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Boring I know. Sorry, but the beginings are usually boring =/ It will be picking up! Also Thank you guys sooo much for reading, it means so much to me that I could jump up and DANCE! Even though I'd probably faint again...But I'd do it because I'm that happy! Also because of this story I have met TWO people with POTS! That means a whole lot to me since I didn't know anyone with POTS before this story. So Thanks. Love, Enjoy <33

“Ugh, Emma wake up” Lizzy groaned. She shook my arm lightly, I could tell she was just as tired as I felt. Monday mornings just aren’t our thing. Lizzy is my “baby” sister, she’s thirteen but she’s a baby to me. Weirdly, she’s closer to me than Jake our brother-her twin.


“Go away” I groan covering my eyes. Killer migraines when you first wake up, definitely not a great way to start a day, but it’s my way. Least school is so close to being over. Only a short two weeks.


“C’mon Emma. I don’t care if you go to school just leave your room. You haven’t been out since you took Cam to the park” Lizzy pleaded. She was right though, that day at the park I over did it. I’d gotten out of my wheelchair at one point and just ran around with Kayzee. Definitely not one of my brightest moments.


Besides the point, after I’d gotten home I’d crashed and felt terrible since. Haven’t even gotten out of bed, probably a dumb idea since I’ll probably faint when I stand up. Too much blood pooling in the legs over such a long period of time. Bad idea for a POTS sufferer.


“Lizzy finish getting ready for school, Okay?” I say, peaking through a space between my fingers. Light seems to shoot at me, causing pain to radiate through my head like knives.


“Okay” she says with a small, probably fake, smile. Her footsteps echo as she walks out of my room. The light flicks off and I’m surrounded by darkness as Lizzy shuts the door. Relief for my head at least.


Morning’s like this-where I’m not feeling well and everyone is getting ready to leave-are when I get lost in thought. That, or I’ll get on my iPod and listen to music and until I fall asleep but it’s usually the first.


Speaking of iPod, I reach over to my bedside table and unplug my prized possession. The back round of Kayzee and I making weird faces lights up along with the blue banner saying “3 Message(es) arrived while you were gone” from Meebo.

Clicking Okay without even thinking about it, the messages load. They’re all from my friend-Debbie.

Emma Emergency

Emma answer me!

Dangit Emma! My parents are letting Jace stay the summer here! Two weeks and that BEAST will be living down the hall again!


Debbie’s cousin, who she has a…Distinct hate for. To sum up the thousands of things she’s said negatively about him, he’s “Arrogant, obnoxious, rude, gross, a stereotypical teenage boy!” To be honest, I’ve never even met the boy so I have no opinion.


Debbie is no longer online so I don’t bother messaging back. Probably on the bus to school since she gets picked up earlier than most people since she lives a bit away from the school.


I drop my iPod onto my poka-dotted comforter and reach over to my bedside table once more to retrieve my morning pills. To remember which pills are at what time I came up with a “Remembering Tool”


Prettiest pills in the morning, to perk you up. Blue, pink and Brown with a big white. Ugly ones after school, bulky hard and odd. Night time is for dark. Black, blue and red.


To some people it won’t make sense, but it helps me remember which ones and to take and when.


“Emma, We’re going to school, be careful!” Jake shouts out, as the front door opens.


“Love you Emma!” Lizzy yells right before the door slams shut. I whisper Bye even though no one will hear it, I barely heard it myself.


I take my pills in silence while scrolling through songs on my iPod trying to find something I don’t listen to a lot. Finally I settled on ‘Still Got Tonight’ by Matthew Morrison.


The song plays through the tiny speaker of the iPod since I didn’t bother to try and find my headphones. Another little box popped up over my iPod’s screen, from some social networking site I joined while I was bored. It was a message.

From, soccerguy17

Hey, I saw you have POTS! Not to sound, uhm, excited but I have it too and I live near you if your “Location” isn’t some joke like most peoples. Anyway, I’m Jace. Don’t be a stranger, and message back. Love to hear from ya malady. ~Jace.


My mouth dropped as if I just saw a thousand elephants running down the stress dressed in lingerie. I have never talked to another “Potsie” as they call them, ever. For one to be reaching out to me? Little ol’ Emma? It’s like a dream come true to have someone to talk to.


“Okay Emma lets not screw this up” I whisper to myself while rubbing my temples trying to soothe the migraine.


From, SayLove4aCure

Hi there Jace! My locations real, yes-er-ree! I’ve never been so ecstatic in my life hearing from someone who has POTS. Well I’m Emma, but you probably know that from my profile…Anyhow, How long you been sick? ~Emma


Pressing send I want to jump for joy and run around like a two year old hyped up on speed and candy.


Hunger pangs course through my stomach, so I sit up slowly to avoid the blow of dizziness and blindness, but it comes anyway. Standing up I don’t expect anything to happen since it hit me when I sat up.


Of course, I’m wrong. But aren’t I always?


I drop to the floor in a heap.

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