[Arc 1]-The son of Kash Brady

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-Point of view of this story is from Kash Brady-
Kash stepped into his apartment slowly opening the door exhausted from the day. When he opened the door Erica was standing tapping her foot looking livid. "Why are you-" He paused a moment looking down at the young child. "Wings..." He mumbled. "I can't believe you... How could you.." Erica yelled angrily at Kash.  She crossed her arms and frowned. "Wh-what the hell do you mean-" Kash snapped up at her walking to her. She took a step back frowning. "Take care of your son-..." "Son- lady we hooked up ages ago- now you want to claim he's mine-" Kash growled pissed off and confused. "He looks just like you..." Erica crossed her arms again. Her eyes were filled with fury and frustration. "What is his name..." Kash questioned as he crouched down looking at the young boy pausing at the child's wings. "His name is Roman... And he was born with wings just like you... I can't believe you don't even want to know your own child!..." Erica said glaring at Kash. "Didn't say that-" Kash snapped at her before looking to the boy. "Roman hmm... son do you know who i am?" Kash spoke softly down at Roman. The kid looked at Kash and raised his eyebrows. He then raised one hand and waved it in the air before saying "Papa." "That is right- your a smart one huh." He laughed softly before looking at Erica. "Tch- let me guess you want a break or something- ? Is that why you came here-" "Yes. I can't handle taking care of a 6 year old by myself! This is bullshit-..." Erica said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "Quiet down- Jesus- i can take him half time." Kash sighed stressed out grabbing the landline phone a moment calling his boss Von Allen the leader of feathered kings. As kash was busy making the phone call Erica looked over at roman. She kneeled down and ran her fingers through his hair a small smile forming on her lips. "Boss- somethings come up. I still need revenge on Tony Bramble but i uh- mmh. I may need to come to the manor for a while-" Kash spoke quietly into the phone standing in his kitchen. As Kash waited for the response he heard what sounded like Von yelling at him through the phone saying, "Do whatever you want but get those stupid hero's already!" It seemed as if Von didn't even care if Kash wanted to go to look after his child. "Yes sir-" Kash sighed as he spoke. "I will see you in a few hours." Kash then hung up and walked to Erica. "Does he have his stuff or-?" Erica sighed angrily when she saw Kash approach her. Her face was filled with frustration. "Yes, he is packed and ready to go." She said rolling her eyes as she glared at Kash. "So how do you want to do this... every week we trade time...?" He spoke sternly extremely serious now. "Yeah that works for me-" She said angrily as she glanced down at Roman who was just standing there. "Just don't try and make my life a living hell, you hear me?" "Yeah- you got it..." He nodded as he watched her leave his apartment. Kash then crouched down to Roman. "Six years huh... hmmf- seems we have catching up to do." Roman looked at Kash intently and nodded. "Yeah... I guess we do..." He said softly. Roman then glanced over at his wings and rubbed them nervously. "We're going to go stay with some of papas friends, okay?" He then put his hand out to Roman. "We can play in the pool or play catch. Sound fun?" Roman nodded a little before taking Kash's hand. "Yeah, sounds very fun papa." Roman said excited. Kash grinned at him as he lifted Roman into his arms pulling on the backpack Erica left behind that has Roman's belongings heading out onto the balcony. "Alright son- I'm guessing you haven't flown before- hold onto me and don't look down unless you feel brave okay- no shame in being scared." Kash said down at Roman as his wings slowly opened widely. Roman looked up at Kash with awe for a moment before burying his head in his dad's shoulder. He then nodded. "Alright- I'll be alright- I like the sound of flying!" Roman said excitedly as he hugged onto Kash tightly. Kash then took flight into the air holding Roman to himself secure as he soared over the skyscrapers and buildings of Cryotion city, the city below lit up amongst the darkness of the night. Roman felt a wave of elation as they flew in the air. He chuckled softly as he looked down at the lights beneath him. "Papa, it looks so pretty from up here..." He said in amazement. "Someday you will be able to fly too son." Kash said as his wings flapped amongst the wind. Roman looked up at his father in amazement. "Really- will I be just like you?" He asked excitedly. "Yes son- your just like me-" Kash spoke calmly as the corners of his lips curled into a soft smile. Roman laughed softly as he clutched onto Kash tightly. "This is so fun!" He shouted excitedly. He then looked down noticing the mansion of the feathered kings not too far off in the distance. Kash then landed down at the mansion's doors. "Now son- do your best to be respectful." Roman nodded and looked up at the huge mansion. He was awestruck by its immense size. "I will," he said softly. Kash calmly walked inside heading down the halls heading into the meeting room nodding at the other members of the organization in recognition taking his seat. Von was at the head of the table barking orders about how things should be ran. He then noticed Kash walk in and nodded to him. "Boss... i present my son Roman. As for business team 3 let Komodo dragon loose trying to take me out. I may need some more back up." He spoke sternly with a heavy tone. Von growled under his breath and looked at the other members of the organization before speaking in an authoritarian tone. "Alright, we got that in control... now as for your son... He can stay here at the manor for the time being. You know that he may have abilities in the future just like you and you will be solely responsible for his actions during his stay here. Understood?" "I'm sure we can train him. I take full responsibility-" Kash said calmly. Von looked at Kash with approval "Very well then... That's settled. Now we need to start hunting down hero's and villains. They have killed too many of our people and cannot continue on further with this massacre. Now who should we send out first?" He said looking around the room as all eyes were on him. Kash then looked to Joseph. "You think you could help me out with teaching the kid to fly?" he spoke calmly as he crossed his arms with Roman in his lap playing with some toy cars. Joseph nodded his head and gave a confident smile. "I can." He answered with certainty. He nodded feeling relived as he looked to Kaden then Nathaniel. "I look forward to working with you both." Von smirked coldly "good... I want to see every last one of you working together. That includes you." His voice dripped with authority as his icy gaze landed on each of them. Kash then looked forward at Von. "You have my word. Besides- with my son i cannot afford to be a loose cannon right now..." "Good... Then that's settled. Is there anything else?" Von asked looking around to see if anyone else had anything to say. "What do we do about his mother...?" Kash asked curiously. "His mother...? I thought you took care of the issue?" Von inquired curiously. "Well i got her to leave my place- But should we be worried about her going to team 3...?" He spoke cautiously and carefully using selective words. "If that's what she decides to do then so be it... We can deal with her if that happens but I'm sure she won't take it well. She's just a petty woman- and I doubt she'll be a real threat to us..." Von said dismissively. "Understood boss." Kash nodded. "I shall take my leave to my room." Kash then led Roman with him by his hand walking out of the meeting room down the mansion's corridors down to his room. "This is my room for when i stay here- it's your room too now." Roman was amazed by the room's interior. His mouth fell open in shock while he was staring at the room. "My room?" He asked softly as he looked around marveling at everything. "Yeah." Kash spoke calmly as he put cartoons on the tv unpacking Roman's backpack. Roman smiled brightly as he watched the cartoons. "Papa- this is the best day I've ever had..." He said softly before giving Kash a hug. Kash stiffened up a bit as he rubbed Romans back gently. "The- best day-...I'm so glad..." He nodded as he held his son to him. Roman continued smiling brightly before looking over to Kash. "Papa... you're really my dad aren't you... you're not going to leave me like my mom did- are you...?" "Yes son- I'm your dad- and no your mom is uhm... it's complicated okay- but i am not going anywhere-" Kash chuckled softly a moment as he pointed out Romans wings. "Son you already do- just haven't learned to use the yet." He spoke softly. Roman nodded happily and looked at his wings. He touched them excitedly. " Wow... but how do I make them work?" "We will teach you soon enough son, now i need you to be a good kid and stay here with the staff for me okay- i have to run and do some errands." He spoke softly down to Roman. Roman nodded excitedly. "Okay papa- I am going to be on my best behavior. I promise!" He said cheerfully. With that Kash left the room leaving Roman to play with one of the maids heading down the hall straight to the meeting room looking for Nathaniel to head out to hunt for Tony Bramble. Nathaniel was leaning against a table when he saw Kash approaching him. "Yo Kash- I heard you got a son? Nice... So, what now you want me to help you hunt that prick Tony-" "Yes Roman he is a fine boy, shouldn't give us any trouble. I need your assistance yes with hunting for Tony..." Kash spoke calmly. "Of course, I can assist... I assume your son won't be coming out with us then?" Nathaniel said with certainty. "He's only six- no way would i bring him along." Kash shook his head no with a sigh. "Good. Now let's go hunting- there's a few heroes we need to take down." Nathaniel smirked evilly before he walked out ahead of Kash. "Delightful." Kash nodded following behind Nathaniel. The two walked down the hall heading outside through the main front door as they walked towards one of the many limos parked in front of them. "Now where do you think will be a good spot to take out this so-called hero...?" Nathaniel asked in a low evil tone. "Boss said were after some lower-class ones before we can get after the big three..." Kash nodded getting into one of the limos. "I saw we check near that bar across town" He spoke up. Nathaniel nodded with excitement getting in right after. "Yeah- that could be a good spot.. We could also wait above a sewer system and wait for one of them to pass by. If we're hunting hero's I'm sure we'll be able to find one in the sewers- those who fight for justice tend to be a little stubborn when it comes to giving up." Nathaniel said excitedly. "Awe yeah there's always dorks hiding down there trying to act like hero's-" Kash cackled as they started the limo started moving. Nathaniel scoffed and shook his head. "They're so pathetic that it's almost cute. They're only doing this for the sake of attention and fame. They don't really care about justice." "I think Screech and Pidge should give them a reality check~! Driver- to the closest main sewer entrance~" Kash cheered as he got a cold beer from an ice bucket in the limo. The driver nodded and headed towards an entrance. Soon the two were pulling up to the entrance of a large sewer system built for the underground of Cryotion. Kash chugged at the beer getting out of the limo with Nathaniel. "Stay alert Nate- the off chance yknow..." Kash then headed inside first. Nathaniel nods and chuckles quietly as he follows Kash into the sewers. They start hearing the distant muffled sounds of two people talking as they continue walking. Kash hid behind some crates with Nathaniel watching at the two people covering his hand over his mouth softly. One of them was wearing a red and black spandex suit with black boots. He had black hair and a slight build. The other was wearing a bright pink costume with a bow tie and yellow boots. She was quite skinny with yellow hair in pigtails. They were arguing about something which you couldn't quite hear. It sounded like an argument you wouldn't hear unless you were arguing with a significant other or friend. Kash snickered into his hand struggling to contain his laughter glancing to Nathaniel. Nathaniel gave him a small grin before he started to snicker and chuckle along with him. Before long Kash had lost himself laughing loudly his laughter booming through the area as i stepped out into the light. "What the hell are you wearing- you look like a fucking lollipop- at least his outfits cool- are are you supposed to be heros-" The pair of hero's both turn to look at Kash. "Hey who are you?! What are you doing here?!" The man in the red and black costume shouted. "Sorry where are my manners- I am the hero killer Screech... this is my friend Pidge-" Kash gestured his hand to Nathaniel slowly. "What are your pathetic names- wait no let me guess- captain angsty and glitter tits?" The man in the red and black costume scowled as his fists clenched tightly. "Watch your mouth this is a warning." He said threateningly in an angry tone. "Do either of you even have powers?" Kash scoffed opening his wings halfway. The woman in the pink suit rolled her eyes and scowled at Kash holding her fists tightly over her chest. "Obviously we do jackass- you know what just like take a guess." Kash then glanced to Nathaniel snickering, "Please sweetheart enlighten us what they are-" Kash mocked softly. The man in the red and black suit was getting really heated as he saw both of them mocking the two heroes. His fists clenched tightly, and his breathing was becoming more and more heavy. Kash then crossed his arms coldly waiting for the woman to present her powers. She rolled her eyes and smirked for a moment. "Well if you must know I can control gravity to the degree that I want to... And what about you big boy?" She said arrogantly. Kash grinned wickedly as his wings slowly raised opening behind him widely as he strutted forward taking a deep inhale. "I'll show ya~" He then sonic boomed down onto her shaking the area. The woman in the pink suit was sent backwards by the sonic boom, slamming into the wall hard. She let out a loud cry as blood started to drip from her mouth. She then groaned trying to recover as her companion screamed out at Kash. Kash coldly looked to her companion with an icy gaze as Nathaniel stepped forward. The man's eyes went wide in fear as he took a few steps back. "What the hell dude?! You could kill that woman!" He shouted angrily looking at Kash. "He's all yours Pidge..." Kash demanded as he dragged the woman off by her hair with a stoic gaze dragging her above ground flying off into the sky dangling her over the busy streets. "Beg..." Kash demanded coldly. She groaned faintly in pain as she was lifted up over the streets. She glanced in fear down below at the streets filled with cars and people below before she looked at Kash frantically. "P-please don't drop me." She begged softly. Kash grinned in a sadistic manner as he slowly lowered them both down before grabbing her arms tightly. "I won't kill you... You're a special case- " He then took a deep breath before screeching loudly down onto her deafening her for life slowly releasing her on the sidewalk gently with a cruel gaze. She laid on the ground for a bit crying out, trying to recover from the scream while blood dripped from her ears. She moaned softly trying to grasp at what was happening as the world around her slowly started to fade to static. "I... think I'm going deaf." She whispered to herself as she glanced down at the ground. Kash stood laughing over her ensuring the last sound she would hear was his mocking cruel laughter as he slowly crouched to her level. She looked to Kash with fear in her eyes as he laughed mockingly over her. She tried to plead but her voice simply didn't work as she tried to speak but nothing came out. He turned his head to Nathaniel coming out of the sewer. "You finished...?" Kash asked coldly. "Took longer than expected but yes." Nathaniel spoke. Kash nodded as they continued to walk through the streets leaving the scene. Soon they were both on the roof of a large apartment building nearby them. "So... where to next?" Kash said before taking a sip from his beer. He looked to Nathaniel raising an eyebrow. "It's up to you... As long as it's a hero I'll go after them." He said with a wicked grin. Kash smirked softly opening his wings. "Keep up then kid-" With that he laughed flying off through the sky over the city scanning the area a moment before coming to a halt landing down hard a moment at Ericas parked car confused why she was at Cryotions central park area. Her car was parked a bit away from the main park area. As Kash walked into the main park public area he paused with Nathaniel landing down closing his wings to his back not far behind witnessing the same scene of Erica talking to Johnathan Thompson, Captain Stinger. "That bitch..." Kash hissed furious about to charge at them. "Woah... slow down Kash-" Nathaniel said quickly grabbing his hand. "We must return to the mansion..." Kash growled leaving with Nathaniel to the limo. "What? Why? we're here to hunt hero's- what the hell are you talking about?! This is our opportunity to take down the biggest hero right here.." Nathaniel said furiously with an angry expression. "You do not understand... That is Roman's mother-" Kash snapped as he forced Nathaniel into the limo with him as it drove for the mansion. "She is probably warning Stinger of my son." "And? Let her warn whoever she wants that isn't my problem- my problem is with Stinger-." Nathaniel griped. "Just shut up you wouldn't understand." Kash barked down at him like an angry drill Sergent as he phoned Von. Von picked up on the other line. "Yeah- what is it Kash?" He spoke coldly. "Stinger knows about Roman, we have to be careful-" Kash spoke calmly. "Erica snitched- I can't take her out myself- I'm emotionally attached. Let Joseph handle it..." "Fine I'll arrange Joseph to deal with her- and no one else- I'm not going to risk you getting caught over some woman who's not even a hero." Von replied back with a dark tone. "Understood-" Kash stated into the phone as Von hung up, he then followed with Nathaniel inside the mansion freezing up at a maid confused when he didn't see Roman in his room. The maid simply nodded and closed the door after looking at Kash. "The master of the house has stepped out for a few minutes. We aren't sure when he will return." She was clearly avoiding his gaze the entire time. "Where is Roman- the boy-" Kash spoke up concerned and anxious. She went silent for a moment and was clearly getting frustrated. "May I ask what your connection with the boy is?" "My son." He spoke with an icy tone. "Oh- Roman is out in the park with Captain Stinger right now actually..." She replied after a few moments. "WHAT-" Kash snapped furious taking off running down hallways shoving Nathaniel out his way taking flight out the closest exit outside speeding for the park with his wings flapping. She watched as he ran down the halls stunned. Meanwhile in the park Roman was arguing with Stinger about something, they were too far away for anyone to hear what they were saying- Roman was standing next to a few trees in the park. Kash then landed down hard crunching the mulch under his boots locking a hateful gaze onto Captain Stinger slowly approaching. "Son... Come to me." Kash demanded to Roman. Roman looked over confused innocently blinking holding a ball beside Captain Stinger. "Stinger... he is just six-" Kash muttered slowly grabbing Roman's arm moving him closer to him. Roman looked a bit worried confused and surprised as he looked to Kash and the two of them being pulled closer to each other. Kash stiffened his posture glaring down at Captain Stinger. "How close by is Canopy huh..." Captain Stinger glared back at Kash with a furious look on his face. "We're currently having a peaceful conversation. I know what you're trying to do, and I won't let you." Captain Stinger said firmly grasping hold of Roman. "You best let my son go right about now." Kash sneered with venom furious at Stinger. "Leave my son out of this-" Captain Stinger simply scoffed at Kash with a cruel expression. "This isn't your business- Roman is a child with powers, he could potentially be dangerous if left with no guidance or help. We have the right to keep him safe." "He is safe with his father-" Kash snapped furious. "I know what he needs! It is my right-" "No it isn't!" Captain Stinger said firmly holding his gaze. "You have absolutely no right to him, and you better listen to reason!" Kash then glanced down at Roman giving him the same signal he had before inhaling deeply about to sonic screech Captain Stinger. Captain Stinger looked worried as he realized exactly what Kash was about to do. He quickly pushed Roman behind him to block any attack that Kash was about to unleash on him. Kash slowly circled Stinger shoving him away from Roman cupping his hands over his ears screeching down on Captain Stinger to stun him before flying away with Roman in his arms trying to flee. Captain stinger was able to quickly get up. He glared and followed after Kash and Roman at great speed. Meanwhile Canopy had fired shots at Kash not caring about Roman's safety from a distant rooftop nearby. "CUT IT OUT-" Kash demanded doing his best to dodge bullets his feathers getting grazed by a few. Canopy continued to fire at Kash without hesitation even with his son in the crossfire. "Come back and face me you coward." Canopy shouted furiously. Kash cupped Roman to his chest trying to fly for the mansion before taking a bullet to his shoulder making him droop a bit in the sky. Canopy chuckled and smirked as he noticed Kash drop from his shot. "Get down here and fight like a man you coward." Canopy shouted firing a few more bullets in his direction. Kash winced in pain crashing down into a nearby alley way back first scraping against the ground holding Roman to him as a woman panicked calling an ambulance. Canopy smirked at the scene as he finally landed down onto the alleyway a few meters away. "What's the matter? Can't take a few shots, can you?" Canopy spoke down to Kash sarcastically. Kash shakily got up body blocking Roman as blood ran down his chest before running forward throwing swings at Canopy. Canopy stepped to the side easily avoiding the wild swings from Kash. "Come on do you really think you've got a chance against me?" He laughed mockingly at Kash. Kash then weakly backed up when Von landed down with a cold gaze on Canopy as he demanded for Kash to step back. Canopy smirked at Von and chuckled softly. "And who are you?" he replied mockingly. "B-boss..." Kash stuttered backing away to Roman staring at Von. Canopy laughed as he also backed away. "Wow- even your henchman is telling you what to do?" he sneered. Kash then grew silent watching at Von as he introduced himself as 'Fallion' the boss of Feathered Kings as a threat to Captain Stinger. Canopy glared at Fallion with a sinister smirk. "Ah so you're the one who's in charge now, are you?" he said to Fallion before turning his attention back to Kash. Kash remained silent watching the exchange anxiously. Fallion remained calm and calm as he replied back. "Indeed, I am, and I would like to request that you return the boy back to his care without any more trouble. He is too precious for someone to hold him hostage and I won't allow you to keep him." Kash then watched at their exchange just as Roman spoke up crying. "H-he shot at papa-" Roman had cried out at Von. "He tried to hurt me grandpa Fallion-" Kash then covered Roman's mouth gulping. Fallion turned to look at Roman with an icy look. "Is this true?" he asked to Roman. Kash then removed his hand fast to let Roman answer. "Yes- it was him-" Roman then pointed at Canopy. Fallion nodded and turned to face Canopy with an icy cold expression. "Canopy. explain yourself." he ordered with a strict tone. "I told you boss he isn't a real hero- that's a murderer in a hero suit-" Kash spoke coldly. "I was doing what was needed for justice- they resisted arrest and detainment-" Canopy scoffed annoyed. "And did you really have to fire at a child to do that?" Fallion remarked sharply with an icy tone. "Psh- well the kids fine isn't he-" Canopy rolled his eyes. Fallion turned to face Roman and nodded at him as he asked, "Are you fine?" Roman then shook his head no pointing up at Kashs bullet wound in his shoulder. "He hurt papa-" Roman pouted angry his small wings ruffling up as he charged forward towards Canopy only to attempt to punch Canopy's leg. Fallion held roman back with a grip on his wrist firmly holding him back from attacking canopy. "Hey now! You must not attack first, your dad wouldn't have wanted that now, would he?" he spoke softly to roman. "Yes son, unlike mister Canopy- we don't attack unless provoked- " Kash spoke aiming to make a cheap shot at Canopy. "Oh- i understand" Roman nodded huffing and crossing his arms making a small angry expression mimicking a scowl up at Canopy. Canopy laughed a bit before smiling. "Ahhh such a innocent child- unlike his father." he replied sarcastically. Roman then spoke up boldly. "You're just a loudmouth butterfly- Go bully someone else meanie! My papa is the best! He's my hero-" Roman shouted. Canopy laughed and smirked at roman. "Aww- how cute- is that supposed to intimidate me?" he replied mockingly. Roman then pouted hugging into Fallion. "No- that's my grandpas job-" Roman nodded looking up at Fallion. Fallion nodded as he crouched down to roman's level. "Yes that is my job little one." he replied softly giving the child a small smirk before giving a cold gaze on Canopy stalking his direction counting down a warning for him to leave as Captain Stinger ran over yelling for Canopy to fall back. Kash then Shuffled over to Roman hugging him to him. Roman smiled and hugged his father closely as he heard Captain Stinger and Canopy fall back fleeing as Von called for the limo. Kash then held his hand over his wound wincing up at Von. "Let me take a look at that-" Von said as he leaned over to examine the wound pulling his gloves off. Kash weakly nodded as he gestured for Roman to get in the limo. "Alright then- hold your arm up." Von said as he examined the wound thoroughly. "Y-yes boss-" Kash stuttered as he raised his arm up. Von examined the wound closely before sighing. "I need to fix this- just keep your arm up for a few more seconds. Do you think you can manage that for me?" "Yes boss." Kash did his best to keep his arm up for Von. Von nodded and grabbed a needle out of his med kit before injecting the shot near the wound. "Don't worry- this will sting a bit and possibly numb the pain. Do you understand?" he said in a gentle tone. "Yah-" Kash nodded up and down as he looked at Roman who was sitting in the limo watching them. Von took a deep breath and pushed the needle into Kash's arm quickly injecting the shot. Kash did his best to keep his arm up as Roman watched with a concerned look on his face. Kash grunted and winced in pain his eyes fluttering as Von did his work at the wound. Von finished up quickly after injecting the painkiller and removed his needle from Kash's arm. "Ok good. Now you should feel the pain disappear shortly. Is there anything else you need done to it?" he asked. "No sir- just want to get Roman to safety-" Kash said sternly with a serious tone of urgency. "Alright. then I'll have the limo drive you two home... do you have any bandages i can put over your wound?" von said to Kash concerned. Kash then grabbed Roman's backpack pulling the mini first aid kit out handing over some bandages. Von nodded and took the bandages wrapping them tightly around Kash's arm to keep the wound covered before standing up looking at Kash. "Alright. I'll have the limo take you and Roman home. Is there anything else you need?" Kash shook his head no and with that they left returning home from the stress educed day.

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