Chapter one: Backstory

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Stiles POV
I'm a born were-fox, half human half fox. My mom is a were-fox my dad is human. When I was five my mom explained to me why I needed to keep me being a fox a secret. Were-foxes are almost always just female but 1 in 10,000 foxes it will be male.

Foxes are already rare only about 1,000 foxes exist. We are hunted down and killed if anyone finds out. Hunters think we are a danger to society. We like to cause mischief so what. Most of us like to play harmless pranks, well mostly harmless. My mom used to say it was ironic that I said my name like "mischief" instead of how it was actually pronounced.

My mom died by hunters actually not from a disease. My dad covered it up, he told me he found her in her fox form. Small detail I forgot I can in fact turn into a fox. I can also just bring out ears and my tail and not fully transform. I walk around the house like that because it's comfortable for me to do so.

Foxes have magic along with the supernatural abilities. We have fire, electricity, mind reading powers, and basically magic powers. We use our powers to protect ourselves and mess with others.

I got Scott transformed into a werewolf. He became a true alpha. I met a sour wolf Alpha, a banshee that I love for a while, a kanima who turned into a werewolf, a were jaguar, a were coyote and many chimeras. My high school years were wild. Now its the close to the end of my senior year. Im in a wolf pack with two alphas and many wolves, a coyote, and two chimeras.
If you don't know foxes and wolves don't get along so I play it safer around them. Though I still mess with them a lot. But I stayed as the human who does all the research though most of the time I already know what something is.

So this is my life,  Stiles Stilinski a fox in a wolf pack how could this go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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