You're All I Ever Wanted

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~Give your heart to the One who really Loves you~


Today is finally the day Obito Uchiha will confess his feelings for Rin Nohara. The 16 year old Uchiha prepared everything for this day. He made sure to look good, didn't forgot the bouquet of flowers, and of course he must not forget his well prepared speech to declare his Love for the special brunette girl

"Okay, flowers... Check! Looking good... Of course! speech... wait... where is it?!" Obito hastilly looks for his speech as he heard a soft giggle behind him

Obito stops as he turns around to be met by the bright smile of his best friend, (Name) (Lastname)

"Hey Obi-kun, whachu lookin for?" (Name) asks as she invites herself in her childhood friend's room, said boy was still kneeling on the floor

"Ne, (Name)-chan, can you help me find my speech? I think I dropped it" Obito grins nervously

"You mean this?" (Name) giggles again and shows the paper

"Eh?!? You took it?!"



(Name) smiles softly then waltz torward to her pouting friend. She hands the paper with Obito's messy handwritting and dusts said boy's clothes

"There" she pats Obito on the shoulder and smiles warmly

"Ne (Name)-chan, do you think... do you think Rin...?" The Uchiha frowns as his voice trails off

(Name) smiles weakly

"I'm not sure Obi-kun, only Rin can answer you that... But I give you my best support!" (Name) cheers

"Thanks" Obito smiles then puffs his chest out

"Okay! Let's do this!"

. . .

Obito waits patiently under the Sakura trees, bouquet in hands. (Name) bid goodbye after giving the Uchiha a hug for support then went off to call Rin


Obito turns to see Rin running towards him, a smile on her lips. Obito smiles back and takes a deep breath as the Nohara stops before him

"You wanted to see me?" Asks Rin

"Uh yeah... I actually wanted to tell you something, Rin-chan"

Rin gives him a curious look, tilting her head to the side

"Ne? What is it?" She questions cutely making the Uchiha blush

"I uh... I like- no l-love you, Rin, ever since we first met... Your smile brought happiness and light to my dark world, y-you make me happy by just being with me a-and I... I'm in love with you, Rin Nohara"

Obito confesses his voice filled with determination and the bouquet of Roses held out for Rin to take. Rin was speechless! Her mouth was agape and tint of pink paints her cheeks. After a moment of silence Rin places her hand on Obito's shoulder and smiles weakly

"I... I'm sorry Obito-kun, but I... I don't return your feelings..." Rin said sadly "I-I like someone else..."


Hear that? That's the heart of Obito being crushed to a million pieces...

"I... I see..." The Uchiha trails off as the bouquet of roses fell from his hand. He turns his back from the Nohara and silently walks away

. . .

Quiet thuds were heard as (Name) invites herself into Obito's house again. (Name) frowns as the thuds and bangs grew louder every step she took, Obito's room as her destination

All He Ever Wanted [Obito x Rin]Where stories live. Discover now