out of fire , out of light

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God created 2 races before the man kind ( angels & jinn ) Angels never made a mistake , they always obey god , they are created out of the pure light they are the possative vibes we feel . They live in clean places , up high above the seven skies .

The jinn are creatures created out of the smoke of fire , they lived at earth before the human race they were the bad guys they ran the earth with no benifits just made every thing to the worst , Only one which was the settan he was the best jinn there is he was the obeying one , No one did the same , so god raised him up to the above seventh sky to reward him for being the best obeying jinn , so he lived with angels up there harmoniously , until god said " i want to create other race , the human race , living in earth with jinn , made out of clay and mudd )
The angels weren't that happy about it they thought that they will run this world making it worse . So as satten he wasnt happy either , he was jelouse , full of envinous and anger his feeling were all messed up , he wondered : " God created me out of fire in the earth created before thousands and thousands of years before the humans as they will be born

So then god made our father Adam he was the first human to be born as god created him out of clay and mudd and breathed the soul inside of him made him real . God commanded both of his races to bow to our father Adam , all of the Jinn and Angels bowed and obeyed god commands to them , settan didn't he was filled with hate , anger , jelousy , envy ,
Vanity and arrogance of this human being .

God was very angry and fierce of what sattan did and how he dissobeyed him , his god , his creater , so God ponished him , put him down were he always should have been , it has been rumored ( true ) that sattan has his throne in one of the 5 oceans , well every one says including the scientists of the
As they wanted to solve the mystery of why all the planes fall when they are above the beramuda tringle , its were the sattan live and breed , its not something about science .

Sattan asked god to give him iternity untill the day of judgement to make all the humans out of god obeying , leading them to sins all the way to hell , so he tried to make adam who were in heaven with our mother hawwa sin eventually by eating of a tree that god told them not too , so god put them on earth seperated every one in a land .

from that moment till now every one has a jinn beside him untill he dies and they are sattan not just jinn because sattan is the name given to a jinn who doesn't bieleve in any god of these ( moses , jesus and allah ) .

* If a jinn praised moses he or she is jewish .

* if a jinn praised jesus he or she is christian .

* if a jinn praised allah he or she is muslim .

* If not then he or she are called a sattan for a male , sattana for the female.

As sattan or sattana means a demon
In our world that we live in angels and jinn live with us in our homes

Jinn live in dirty places , quite ones as they prefer to stay away from human beings , jinn are just like humans they breed , eat , feel happines , feel anger and love .

Jinn can enter a human body and live with it the more unreligous the person is the more they liked to stay there , well the human body is surrounded with hallos that protects the body of jinn entering it that makes a person wonder then how the hell would they get in ???
Here is your answer .

Jinn can enter the body for five different reasons that would make the hallos dissappear :

1- as we all have seen in tv wizard and witches are good and bad in this reality no , all of them are bad because they do really bad things no one would be proud of before becoming a wizard or witch

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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