p r e f a c e

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s y n o p s i s

Theodore Wood. The boy at Berkeley College whom Grace Evans had a crush on since seventh grade. Oh, and he knew about it, too.

Young, dumb Grace, blinded by her infatuation with the most admired boy in the year, thought telling the popular girls at school about her feelings would be a wonderful idea!

It was not.

Grace spent seven years drowning in the embarrassment that her eleven year old self caused.

But she was twenty-two now, finished university, living in London away from her home town. She would never have to worry about meeting him again.

Until she did.

v i b e c h e c k

v i b e c h e c k

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t h e m e s

- strong language

- sexual themes

- mentions of abuse/violence

a u t h o r s n o t e

heya everyone! So I've been wanting to write this for a while, I haven't really written my own story before that's not based off fan fiction so let's see how I go uhhh

thank you if you have taken the time to read this story, I hope y'all enjoy it and I would love if you left a like or comment :)

Basically this story is about a girl from a middle class family in England who went to this rich fancy school on a scholarship where she had this crush on the most liked and popular guy and he knows about it. Fast forward to young adult hood the main character has moved to London. Not seeing the guy for many years they wind up meeting each other again and the rest you'll read in the book ahead :)

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