🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 Kunj Malhotra ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Manik and Mukti reach the mansion and are surprised to see Kunj there.....

Kunj : welcome .... You both have come very early, why did you spend so much time, he speaks  sarcastically.....I thought you would have dinner outside today too........

Manik ...When did you come..... Agar pta hota to .... Phle a jata .... Kunj cut him..... Don't try to  pretending, that ... You don't  know anything I know very well that before me you would know that I am at home and I have also joined the college. Those are two  buddy of yours, they must have told.....
Right ..... Or I am right .....and  you miss mukti..

.(.in cold voice )Whatever happened in college today, I don't think I or your loving brother would have taught you all this, so how did you get the courage to behave like this with them...

Mukti...... Mukti gets very scared, she is very scared of Kunj's anger and she is thinking that she doesn't know what will happen now and she is lost in these things and kunj shouts at her and says why are you quiet now, ..... Mukti flitched at his tone.....

Manik ...bhai.... Bchi hai , she has made a mistake, give her a chance to correct her mistake......wo....next...kunj glared him.......

Manik.... Looked down...

.Kunj: whatever happened today is the result of only  yours   freedom, why did you not keep her in  under discipline, answer me......

You know the rules very well, no matter who commits the mistake, the one who is responsible for it gets punished and at this time this responsibility was given to you that you will teach Mukti in which you have failed very miserably............ Manik nodded .....

Kunj .....I think you will have to remember all the rules again, it seems that you have forgotten everything in so many days....

Manik..... While stammering..... Ji ... Nhi bhai ....... Yaad h mujhe ......

Kunj ....It's a good thing because if you had forgotten the rules then you know what would have happened, so for now I have to talk to both of them too.....It seems as if a lot has changed due to my not being here, you may have forgotten everything that you had taught you may have to learn it again, you have even forgotten how to speak, how you react, .... Such a tough ... Job for me......now......

Kunj .... To mukti.... ... sarcastic And today I saw you in only this form, I did not know that Manik had given you so much freedom, you were behaving like a goon......

Mukti started crying.. .... Kunj notice her .... And in cold voice....Tears came so quickly, I haven't even said anything, the picture is still pending.....

Wipe your  tears now......

Mukti.... While hiccups .... Wipe her tears and ... Control her crying....

NANDINI  RAICHAND  MAFIA PRINCESS (lost)   ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now