18) Demetrius

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"Are you the Eiffel Tower?"

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"Are you the Eiffel Tower?"

"No," I respond with a grin.

"Because I 'Eiffel' for you." She winks, but it turns into a blink, and I can't help but chuckle at her playful confidence.

"Are you a bus?" I inquire.

She shakes her head.

"Cause I want to fill you with kids." I give her a playful wink.

"Demi!" She shouts in shock.

"Weren't the rules of this game supposed to be PG?" She argues, eyes wide in surprise.

"Depends on how you take it." I answer back, her cheeks go red and she looks away swiftly.

"Are you Tv?"

"Because I like watching you- wait not like that I swear Demi if you take that the wrong way I will kill you"

As she rambles on about her many ways of murder I can't help but admire her beauty and it doesn't help that she's so damn interesting.

Lately we've been talking more i've suddenly gotten her trust and my chest has this weird feeling of warmth now. Perhaps satisfaction but either way I want to feel this forever.

"Are you listening to me?" She looks angry.

It's funny.

"Yes of course!" I reply with confidence.

"Then what did I just say?"

I go quiet and place my thumb on her chin, "You're really pretty when you're mad at me."

"It's not working." She hisses.

"What's not working!" I ask back.

She stands up and attempts to walk away, I grab her by the hand and force her to stay.

"Would you like to spend time together in a different setting?" I contemplate my recent verbal expression with a sense of remorse, realizing the irreversible nature of spoken words.

A faint smile fades from my face, accompanied by a growing uncertainty in my thoughts.

She looks at me and hugs me.

I nestle into her neck, eliciting a burst of laughter.

"Are you a dog?" she teases; I respond with an eye roll.

"You smell like a bin, anyways," I grumble as she sassily walks away, leaving me to my work.

Turning on my laptop, I connect with my brother, Mateo, whom I've distanced myself from since his abrupt departure.

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