𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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|𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐤𝐨𝐲|

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|𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐤𝐨𝐲|

She thought thats all I did to him. No no no I didn't just shoot him or punch him. I cut off the arm that touched My sweet armani. I skinned him and hanged him leaving him to rot.

The next thing was to burn him but I'll let my men handle that for now. Armani is sleeping and I want her to get used to the conditions and terms.

However I didn't need to worry about that cuz she wasn't even in the bed she was sleeping in. I stormed the room and called my men to look for her. But turns out she was held by two of the bodyguards.

She yelled screamed, punched, squirmed. She then averted her attention to me. she looked at me with beady eyes. "You! Let me go! I don't belong here!"

I was amused by what she said. They let her go pushing her to the floor. To the point she was on her knees. I stated with dominance "Get up" she got up and looked up at me. "Let me go! You sick menacing bustard I fucking hate you!"

"Let me go! You sick menacing bustard I fucking hate you!" I spat

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"Let me go! You sick menacing bustard I fucking hate you!" I spat.

He standed there staring down at me with disgust . He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the room I was in originally. He shoved me into the wall. "Look armani you'll listen because you know what's good for you right?" He Replied again "right?" I nodded.

However he slapped me across the face "I need words fucking words" I stated "Yes"

"Ever since the club you've been ignoring me no?" His tone was more angry. I shook my head. He then smiled. His emotions shift ever so often...it scares me. "Don't fucking play dumb I know who you are. Armani Delores, 19, has a mother who set you up for adoption, only has a friend Adria.

He smiled cockily "and on that night you touched yourself thinking about me." My heart dropped how the fuck does he know that..

I quickly crawled over to the corner. My mind swarmed.

He stated "here are the rules!"

"1. You won't go out nor clubbing at all without my consent or permission
2. Don't ever raise your voice at me
3. Obey my commands
4. You're mine you belong to me! You talk to any other boy they'll be killed and you'll be punished."

He looked down onto me "do we have any questions." I mumbled "no" he said "good"

He held out my hand I took it hesitantly. He embraced me with a hug. However this hug was sympathetic. I cried in his arms he sat there unfazed.

He let me go and told me "a girl will be here with  you so you won't be alone alright" I said "alright.." minutes later a pregnant lady came in. "She smiled "are you okay?" I shook my head. She stated "I'm the wife of Xavier's brother...this is warning the Volkoy brothers are known to be very possessive.

They will always get what they want. If anything were to get in the way they'd remove it in a blink of the eye. I've been with Venniet for three years and now I'm pregnant."

Her eyes begin to water "I'm just a broken girl with a baby..You can't escape. You can't run. You can't hide. They will find you. You have to accept the reality once they claim you it's no going back." 

I hugged her "thank you..." she said between sniffs "your welcome"

Sure her warning had meaning but I don't care I'm escaping somehow in someway. I will not be a prize to be won and kept on pedestal. I will do whatever it takes.

Xavier came back. His voice commanded "Come eat" I mumbled "I don't want to eat" he threw me over his shoulders. And sat me in the chair. "Eat" he repeated. I didn't pick up the fork instead I sat there staring at my food.

He said with dominance "I don't like repeating myself Armani Eat, my patience is running thin" I didn't pick up the fork at all. He forcefully got up from his seat making  the table and plates to shake.

He told me to stand. I quickly stood. He grabbed my neck. Causing me to have unsteady breathing. "You will eat Armani or so help me I'll shove it down your throat."

He let go leaving me to drop to my Knees. I held my neck from the bruise and soreness. My sight started to blur. I picked up the strength I had left and crawled to the table. He left. I ate my food and surprisingly it was good.

I went back to the original room. I felt hands gripping my waist. I turned around and it was Xavier. He hugged me and trailed kisses along my neck. I hugged him back.

Why was I like this?

Why did I like him hugging me?

This is wrong. He has hurt me abused me forced me.

He smirked. He then asked "Do you love me?" I was hesitant with the question he asked. I didn't respond. He let go of me and slammed the door.

He came back with a calm expression on his face. I didn't like calm. He replied "ima ask this again I'll get an answer, do you love me?"

I shook my head. He walked over to me. Nothing but fear filled my mind. "Please please don't hurt me I'm sorry" He gripped my hair "Next time say the right answer" he slapped me across the face.

He sighs "I swear ты будешь моей смертью" (I swear you'll be the death of me" I winced from the sting of slap. I washed my face and the mark was still there. I grabbed joggers and a long t and panties that the girl had out for me.  I went in the shower and washed off. I put the clothes on and walked out.

I was tired for today. I went to sleep hoping this all was a dream and wake up in my own house and room.


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