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new adventure! hope you like it<3

This is the story of how I died. But no, don't worry, it's a really fun story. Actually... this isn't even my story. It's the story of a girl, called Speak Now. And it begins... with snow.

So, once upon a time there was a little snowflake, and from that snowflake a white flower was born. It had the power to heal the sick and wounded. Oh, do you see that old woman there? Don't forget about her, she will be important. Well, centuries passed and just a skate across the frozen lake from there was a kingdom, ruled by a much-loved king and queen. The queen was about to have a baby girl, but fell ill. It was very serious, and she was about to die. It was one of those situations where you search for a miracle, or in this case, a magical white flower. Instead of sharing the gift of snow with everyone, that woman, Mother Gothel, kept it all for herself and used it to keep herself young for centuries. All she had to do was sing a certain song:

<<In the 1500s off in a foreign land

And I was forced to marry another man

You still would've been mine

We would have been timeless

I would've read your love letters every single night

And run away and left it all behind

You still would've been mine

We would've been timeless

'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this

So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine

We would've been timeless>>

The concept is clear, isn't it? She sings and becomes young again. Creepy. But the royal guards found the white flower: they took it and prepared a potion with it, which healed the queen. A little girl was born, a princess, with beautiful blonde hair. 

I'll give you a hint: she is Speak Now. To celebrate the birth, the king and queen turned on all the Christmas lights in the city, which had previously been turned off, and, in that moment, everything was perfect. 

Then, that moment ended: Gothel snuck into the castle, kidnapped the little girl and disappeared in an instant. They searched throughout the Winter Kingdom, but the princess was no longer there, because in the forest, in a hidden tower, Gothel kept her next to her. Gothel had her new magical flower; this time, however, she would keep it well hidden. But the walls of the tower could not hide everything: every year, on December 21st, their little girl's birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns, in the hope that one day she would return.

They didn't know that, soon, one of their choices would make them lose command of the Winter Kingdom... but, well, that's another story.

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