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I'm a resident at the best place to work at Seattle Grace Hospital. My mom is the chief of surgery and she is married to the love of her life Richard Webber.

My specialty is going to be neurosurgery and the chief of neurosurgery is so grumpy that we call him McDreary. He has a wife an they are expecting a child soon it's going to be a girl. Throughout the years we've lost a lot of the people we work with. One was George O'Malley he failed his intern exam and never showed his face again. The next one was Izzy Stevens she fall in love with a patient then cut his Lvad wire and got fired and she never came back ever.

There is this one person who was dating an attending and then that attending left because of her and no one can be her friend or girlfriend because she is scary and rude. Every time she walks into a room we feel chills going down our spines and that's how we know she's in that specific room. Her name is Christina Yang.

But me I'm dating the best person ever his name is Jackson Avery. When he first came to work here I didn't like him at all. But we actually have a lot in common we both have famous people in our family. For me it's my mom and for him it's is grandfather. We have been dating for 2 years and I feel like something special is going to happen.

My best friend is Alex we have gone through everything together I helped him through think and thin when his girlfriend Ava/ Rebecca went crazy on him I was there and this other girl he dated got cancer and almost died and then left him I was there for him.


Ellis: Meredith. Meredith. Meredith.
I hear my mother call for me from downstairs. I wake up and get ready and then walk down.
Meredith: Good morning, mom.
I say with a smile.
Ellis: Morning. Are you riding with me or with your father? Because if you're riding with me, we have to leave now.
Meredith: Don't wait. I'll go with dad.
Ellis: Good.
Then my dad walks in.
Richard: Who's coming with me? Oh, hiya, darling.
Meredith: Hi.
Richard: Mwah.
He kisses me on my forehead.
Ellis: Don't be late, Either of you. Sets a bad example.
My dad kisses my mom and then she leaves to head to the hospital.

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