and i know i'll pay for it

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Dakota's POV:

I slam my hands on Jamie's table in front of me, tired of hearing him say the same thing."Jamie I have to go, your dad is expecting me to help with the cattle roundup."

   I grab my coat and squeeze his hand once I cool down,"Thank you Jamie. I mean it." Jamie looks up at me and gives me his best smile and I walk out the door, ready to oblige to John Dutton.


   I sit on top of the pin and watch the cattle being led in the right direction by the ranch hands. Dirt crunches behind me, but I still keep my focus on the cattle until I hear a little boys voice. Tate comes running to the pin and climbs up on the first pole to get a better look.

   "Hey kid," I smile over at him. He glares up at me and starts rambling on about how he was bored. I turn to look back and see John and Kayce staring over at me and Tate. My blood boils just seeing him. I send John a nod and twist my body around to make my way over to Rip on his horse to receive papers and climb right back out of the pin to head to my office.

After time had passed and supper time rolling around the corner, I could hear yelling from outside. I stand swiftly and make my way out, Ryan and Colby stand watching Fred kick and beat Jimmy. "Fred, fuck," Ryan yells.

Next thing I know Rip comes walking in front of us and throws Fred to the ground throwing punches after punches. After he kicks him down he grabs Jimmy by the shirt and looks over at where I stand with Ryan and Colby, Lloyd behind us with a whip.

"You see this right here," he shows them the brand and points,"this means "don't fucking touch" Fred. Now go get the supper you didn't earn. Get out of here."

I make my way over to Jimmy and examine one of his wounds,"You ok?" Rip makes his way over to us and then goes back to Fred, ending up firing him.

"What do you want?," Rip turns his attention to someone behind me while Jimmy walks to the bunkhouse.

Kayce stays moving towards the barn and looks over at Rip, not even giving me a glance,"I need a horse, they ain't back yet."

With a roll of my eyes and a small laugh, I make my way to the main lodge to see James, who'd been there all day with a babysitter I needed to hire. Finally releasing her of her duties I get on the ground with James and play with the many assortment of horses he had scattered playing.

His many giggles filled the room and a bright smile displayed on my face. Gator makes dinner and I place James in his chair beside of me, farther down the table than John sits.

I look up at him,"Where did Rip send Fred?"

"Had to send him to the train station," he picks at his food."Seen too much just to let him walk, Fred always had a big mouth."


He breaks the silence,"What has Jamie said about your situation? Anybody snooping around?"

I look over at James,"No, no he said I'm good for now. No witnesses on the scene so, they can't pin point who did it yet."

The dinner conversation stops at that thankfully, with a subtle goodbye and many hugs from James, I pick him up from John and drive back to the house. James picks out a book and I tuck him in, sending him to bed with a kiss.


Author Note:

I told everyone I would have posted this yesterday🫣 but hope you all enjoy sorry about the delay, I had like no motivation to finish.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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