forever is the sweetest con

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I wake up from a phone call early in the morning and answer it quickly before it wakes up James beside of me,"Hello?"

"Hey," John says on the other end."How's everything over there this morning?"

I had gotten used to John constantly calling or sitting up at the house. During this time, John needed to make sure everything was ok and see his grandson. After Lee's death it seemed as if the world was going to crumble for me so the extra help with him was needed.

"Yeah, we're good."

John sighs,"Listen, I need a horse checked out. The cut looks deep and might be infected already. If you're not ready then don't rush over here-"

I had taken time off, to just spend some time with James and try to mourn. Everyday that goes by is harder. James had his fathers laugh, personality and looks. I couldn't deny the need to actually do something and get out of the house."I'll come down and look at it."

Me and James prepare to go down to the stalls and head on out in the truck.

With my sunglasses on and James on my right hip, I make my way to the ring where John and Rip are."You're really accepting Kayce's horse? And Jimmy's the best guy to break him in?"

   Through my sunglasses I could see Jimmy duck taped to the Spanish horse. Rip looks over at me with a smile, and John just shakes his head and hops over the fence and reaches out for his grandson.

   "Need someone to ride him. Jimmy needs to learn some things," John looks to James in his arms and starts talking.

   Rip and John yell commands at Jimmy to break in the horse. Colby and Ryan stand beside of me laughing at Jimmy.

   "Whooee, I don't miss being the low-man," Ryan laughs.

   "Low-man's what made you cowboys. It'll make him one too," John grumbles as he turns back me."I will watch James, the horse is in the barn, 5th stall."

   I send a nod to John, kiss James on the cheek and make my way down to the barn. It took awhile to fully address the horses wound, clean it, treat it, and wrap it. Once the job is finally done I make my way back to the main house and seen John getting ready to leave with James.

   I look around confused,"Hey, where are you off to?"

   "I was hoping I could watch James all day, but Jamie told me some news and I have to handle it, sorry Dakota."

   "No, no, you're fine," I take James from John and walk with him,"The horse is good, just a deep wound that should heal in 2 weeks or so. I'll keep an eye on him."

   John looks up from slipping his boots on,"Does that mean you're back?"

   "Yeah, it was good for me to be back today. I just have to figure out arrangements for James when I am working. I can't always rely on you to be available."

   "Dakota, I would do anything for James," John admits."I've been thinking and it might be easier for you to just move back up here. Beth is usually around so she can help most of the time."

   A sigh escapes my mouth and I meet John's gaze,"I love this family, John, but you know I just want to be at the house Lee built. I can't leave, not now."

   John shakes his head and kisses James forehead and then places one on mine. All before leaving and pulling out to handle his families issue.

Narrator's POV:

The day passed and Dakota was sitting in John's office confused.

   He finally comes into his office and has one of his serious faces on."Dakota, I wouldn't ask of this, if it wasn't important for this family. If it wasn't important for James and the future of this ranch," the way he starts the conversation sends a chill down Dakota's back.

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