"So are we dating?" - Jily

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It was a warm, sunny day. James was walking outside together with the marauders. As he saw lily sitting under a tree, he saw another opportunity." Hey Evans!" Lily didn't need to look up to see who had spoken.  "Potter." she said, with as little emotion in her voice as was possible.

"Aw come on, i'm not that bad am i?" He asked, walking towards the tree.

"It's definitely a debatable topic." she sighed, closing the book she had been reading to look up at James.

"Is it now? Maybe we could debate about it over dinner sometime?" He smirked, looking down at her.  Lily laughed softly. "I don't think so Potter."

"Why not?" He pouted.

"For the last time..." she said rolling her eyes, "I am not interested."

"You would be if you knew me better."

Lily sighed again. When would he get the idea? She knew him well enough to know that she completely did not want to go out with him. However, to keep him happy she replied. "You have a week to prove my opinions of you wrong. I'm not saying that even then I'll go out with you, but maybe I'll be more willing to consider it." James raised a eyebrow "You're joking right?"

"I am perfectly serious Potter. As long as after the week is up, if you still haven't convinced me otherwise, you will leave me alone, alright?"

"Yeah! Sure! Totally!!" He said, wearing a grin from ear to ear. Lily smiled weakly. She realised she'd just made a very dangerous deal with one of the most persistent boys in school, but it was all she could think of to get him off her back. Sirius nudged James as he came closer, "Hey look, it's Snivellus!" He said,

"His name is Severus, or Snape, that's up to him." James said, knowing that Lily was still watching.

Lily raised her eyebrows. She knew that under any other circumstances James would've gone along with his best friend's jokes, and that as soon as she turned her back, he'd be hexing Sev from here to Hogsmeade. "You'd better keep that act up, Potter!" she called across to him.

 "Oh, trust me, i will!" He said, grinning at her. She chuckled, and diverted her attention back to the book she had been reading moments before. James quickly whispered to his friends about Lily's deal, before walking back over to her. "What'cha reading?" He asked, smiling. She held the book's cover up to him so he could read it. It read - 'Pride and Prejudice.' "This." she said shortly.

"What's that? I've never seen it in Flourish and Blotts before.."

"It's a muggle book. And a very old one at that." she said quietly.

"You're reading a muggle book?"

"Yes..." she said slowly, as though is was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Are muggles good writers then?" James asked, a twinkle of interest in his eyes. Lily laughed. "Of course! You know, muggles are just as good as wizards at things like that!" she smiled. "Sometimes better..." she added in an undertone.

"Do you think you could lend me a Muggle book then? I'd like to see if those rumours are true." He asked, grinning.

Lily looked at him, surprised. "You're really taking this whole thing very seriously aren't you?"

"Of course, if it means i can spend time with you."

Lily looked at him curiously. He really seemed to mean it. "Huh." she muttered. "Alright, follow me. I'll find a good book that you'll enjoy." she said, standing up.  James got up and followed her, wondering why she had agreed to show him, but happy nonetheless. She led him through the corridors and up to the Gryffindor common room, telling him to wait there while she made her way up to the girls' dormitories. She soon returned, holding a book in her hand. She handed it to James. "There you go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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