Ashlyn POV
"Ashlyn Nicole Madrid!" My mother shouted at my face. I sighed.

"What?" I snapped at her looking down at my phone texting my friend, Sophie.

"Don't you dare 'what' me." She yelled. I mentally giggled.

"Fine, yes my dear mother." I said a bit more politely.

"I'm disappointed in you and your grades, I'm sending you to St. Jude's the boarding school." I wide eyed her and slammed my hands onto the counter and stood up.

"What the fuck!" I shouted at her.

"Honey speak English please." She said and smirked.

"Oh shut up bitch, you're not my mum and stop with the 'honey' sweet talk." I said and threw my book at her. Yes, I threw my book at her. She's my step- mum and has been for only like six months. I stomped upstairs and laid on my bed and thought about the last year and how my life completely changed when my real mum died. I used to be a good girl with good grades but not a virgin. But not now, I'm a bad girl with bad grades and still not a virgin. I lost my V-card when I was 14. I'm seventeen now and a badass, which is probably why Silvia, my 37 year old step mum, is sending me to St. Jude's, boarding school for delinquents. I grabbed my laptop and searched up St. Jude's in England. I found the site and flicked through images and information. I groaned and slammed my laptop screen shut.

~a few weeks later~
I had to go to my new school today so I walked on the field to bump into a nice looking blonde.

"Oh oopsie daisy." She said giggling. Oh she's a clumsy nice blonde.

"Hi my names Lexi Katlyn Glow but everyone calls me Lexi." What the fuck. She's so stupid. I fake smiled and replied.

"Hi my name is Ashlyn everyone calls me Shy." I said and she hugged me, Tight.

"Can't. Breathe." I said and gasped for air as soon as she let me go. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to a group of pretty, snobby and rich looking girls. Perfect, just my type. I smiled at them.

"Shy these are my best friends, guys this is Shy, introduce yourselves." Lexi said.

"Say your full name." Lexi said and they nodded.

"Well, Hi I'm Tori Rose Brennan." A petite brunette with hazel eyes said.

"Hey I'm Paige Alexandra Craywood." A pretty Blonde with green eyes said.

"Hi my name is Brooke Anya Kennedy." A brunette with brown eyes said.

"Hi I'm Aria Silver Dray." A petite brunette with brown eyes said.

"Hi I'm Kelsey Georgina Lachlan." A strawberry blonde/ brunette said.

"Hi I'm Tatiana Savannah Cooke." Said another brunette with hazel/ green eyes.

"And I'm Amalia Nicki Maldonado." A mixed race brunette said.

"I'm Lexi
"And I'm Shy Nicole Madrid and I think we'll be great friends." I said and they group hugged. Yeah I wanted to punch one of them but decided to let it go for now.

They showed me to the Headteachers office. I knocked.

"Come in." Said a bitter elderly voice. I walked in with Lexi.

"Um Mrs Greyfor this is the new student, Ashlyn Madrid." Lexi said and sat me down opposite Mrs Greyfor.

"So you're our new student." She said grinning. I faked a smile at her.

"Alexa will show you to your room." I put a confused expression on. Alexa?

"It's Lexi." Lexi murmured under her breath. I slightly giggled.

"It's room 17, sorry for the inconvenience but you will be sharing with one of our boys for the moment." She said and I stopped giggling and put on a serious face.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You'll be sharing with one of our boys for now but we will get you moved in a few weeks if you don't like it." She said and I slowly nodded and took the key she was passing me. I followed Lexi out. We started walking across the field talking about the types of people here.

"There's the miserable group." She said pointing to a bunch of sad weirdos sat at the bottom of the stairs.

"That's the goths." She said pointing to two boys and a girl with dark clothing on.

"Those are the geeks." She said pointing to a few boys stood in a huddle.

"There's the jocks and cheerleaders the popular group, where we fit in." She said and walked over to them. Tori and Brooke were sat on the floor. Amalia, Aria and Kelsey were eating ice cream sat on the bench and Paige was sat on some fit guys lap. There were a couple of hot guys playing football.

"Hey guys, where's Sterling?" Lexi asked picking up the ball that landed at her feet.

"Oh he's still in his room." A guy with brown hair a brown eyes said.

"And who's this lovely lady." Said a blonde guy with green eyes.

"Oh I'll introduce you to her later but now I need to show her room to her." Lexi said and dragged me towards a building.

"I stay on the same floor as you, in fact a couple of doors down from you I think." She said and I put my key into the door and unlocked it.

"Mrs Greyfor doesn't allow girls to go into boys rooms so I'll have to leave you to see your room, I'll be down at the field if you need me." Lexi said and left me. I walked into my room with my suitcase, and let me say it was massive. There was a bathroom attached, there was a big walk in closet, I loved it. I jumped when I heard the sound of a lock unlock. I turned around to see a half naked Greek god. A towel hung dangerously low on his hips as water dropped down his chest.

"Eek." I shrieked and covered my eyes with my hands. I stood there, heart pounding.

"You can take your hands off your eyes." A deep husky voice whispered in my ear.

"I don't want to." I said skeptic wether to or not to. Warm soft big hands were placed onto my small ones and lifted mine off my face. There he stood with basketball shorts hanging low on his hips and plain white neck which showed his tones chest and abs.

"Hi I'm Ashlyn and I'm going to be your new roommate." I said putting out my hand for him to politely shake.

"And that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. Eek! He's so hot!

"I'm Sterling." He said winking. I think my heart just melted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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