Ups and downs of communism

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     As must of you know there are different ways of running government for instance the most common one in America democracy, but also communism is another you may know about would be communism. Now see today I'm going to tell you about communism and how it works abit so u don't go pointing your finger at it saying its a horrible thing because in some what way its good so here are the pros and cons.

     The pros of communism are different, but they are actually good to have in some cases. See in communism everyone is set to a career based on how will they do in school so that means the people are specialized in one thing and will allow faster development and builds a worse bases of economy from that factor. Those are the main factors of communism.

     Okay now for the cons of communism these are quite simple to tell apart from the pros because they are the bi product of the pros. So one of course would be you can't select your career at all you could be a doctor and have the life long dream of being a engineer. Also everyone gets paid the same amount so you could be a doctor and get paid just as much as a janitor. Also you have no say so in who is the leader of your country you will be stuck with a monarchy or a person who decides to overtake him being in charge of you. Those are the main cons of communism that I am going to cover for today.

     So as you can see from the pros and cons that they differ wildly form other forms of goverment that we averagly see.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2011 ⏰

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