I Told You I Love You

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A/N: Ok so, this poem is more comedic and possibly sounds better aloud. But anywho, enjoy and let me know what you think!

I told you I love you.

It was a bit uncomfortable

Because we were best friends

And you were all "nable".

And I was all, "sorry,

can we forget that I said that?"

And you were all, "sure."

But there's no going back.

See, ever since then,

Something has stopped.

You're quiet, you're distant.

And that's when I copped

That I said I love you

But I stayed the same

And you said you would too

But something has changed.

I don't like the feeling of feeling you're better.

And I don't like the feeling of feeling so bitter

About that. Let's not lie,

It was kind of my fault,

Cos I threw myself out there

But your words made me die

Just a little,

On the inside,

Because you were my best friend

And I'd nowhere to hide

Because now my best friend

Had just fucked off away

So who could I talk to?

Where could I stray?

I'm glad that I told you

Because now I know better.

Rejection's not fun

But at least now I'm stronger.

See now, I look at you just like my brother.

You're annoying,

You whine

And thank god we're not lovers

Cos honestly, let's be real,

that would have been shit.

You were shit to your exes

And I won't be on that list.

Can you imagine if we'd kissed?

That would have been gross -

Your taste on my lips,

Your hands on my clothes...

I'm not gonna lie, I'd love if someday

You looked at me

And thought to yourself, "hey,

she's kind of hot...

Why not?"

And I'd be all, "hey."

And you'd think it's at you

But turn around bro

Cos there's someone behind you.

See, I will never

Lookat you in that way

After the way that you treated me

When you fucked off that day.

I've stayed the same

Cos I'm just a better person.

But if you ever came at me,

Then turn around son,

Cos I am frankly too good for that

And now I know it.

So thank you for that.

But I can't wait

For when it comes to

The day that you love me

And I'll fucking reject you.

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