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"We've arrived," Richard announced from beside me.

I took a deep breath, my gaze fixed on the enormous five-star restaurant ahead. Despite its beautiful exterior, an unsettling feeling crept over me, as if something ominous was about to unfold.

'Perhaps a promotion.'

"Sera, are you okay?" Richard asked, noticing my nervousness as he held my shaking hand.

"If you don't want to do this, we can just go back," he whispered in a concerned voice, gently squeezing my hand to comfort me.

"It's fine," I lied, not wanting to disappoint him. "It's just that... I've never been to these kinds of parties."

"Don't worry. Initially, it's like that for everyone. Attend one or two more, and you'll get used to them," Richard assured, and my heart calmed down a little.

The restaurant looked just as luxurious inside as it did outside, if not more. The sound of a piano echoing through the space, created a soothing atmosphere. However, despite the pleasant environment, the uneasy feeling I had been experiencing only intensified.

Richard also noticed. "Relax, Sera. Is something bothering you?" he asked as he led the way. I shook my head, assuring him everything was fine.

We stopped by a massive table in the far corner where several couples were seated, including us.

Richard wanted me to meet his colleagues. Although I wasn't comfortable displaying our relationship in public yet, given that it had started just a month ago, I reluctantly agreed. I didn't want to disappoint him, my savior.

'Now that I think about it, hasn't it only been two months since I met him for the first time?' I sighed. Life was truly playing tricks on me.

Regardless, I liked Richard, maybe not to the extent of... a certain someone. But in these two months, I realized that Richard was a very good and kind-hearted man.  And Unlike 'him', he would never abandon me in hard times.

"Richard! Is this the one you mentioned?" one of the men at the table said, eyeing me up and down.

"Yes, gentlemen. This is my fiancée, Sera," Richard introduced me, smiling all the while.

"Good evening," I greeted politely, and they returned the greeting.

'See, Sera, it wasn't that hard.' I sighed inwardly.

As conversations flowed around me, I overheard nearby women talking.

"They say the company owner is supposed to show up with his wife."

"Isn't she the one who was said to have been kidnapped five years ago?"

"Yeah! Turns out, she was held captive for a whole five years! Can you believe it, such monstrosity!?"

"Fortunately, I've heard our boss finally found them last month and didn't waste a moment to rescue them. If he hadn't, hmm," the woman whispered, her tone becoming dark and raspy at the end.

The other women shivered, imagining the horrifying possibility.

"Sera, an important person has just arrived. I'll have to pick him up from the entrance," Richard said suddenly, looking at his phone "You order something; I'll be back in a minute."

I nodded and sat down. To avoid striking up a conversation with the others, I picked up the menu book and randomly opened a page, pretending to contemplate the order. Seriously, I needed to work on my social issues.

Several minutes later, I heard Richard's voice. I looked up and saw him approaching with two other men by his side. One in a grey suit like himself, and the other in... Black...!

My breath got stuck in my throat!


"Good day, folks," the one in the grey suit greeted.

'This explains the unease! That's why I wanted to avoid this place!'

'This bastard!' I clicked my tongue.

He was there, right in front of me. His crystal-like blue eyes bore straight into mine, sending a chilling feeling down my spine. People started to chatter around us, but my eyes stayed locked with his, unable to look away, as if petrified.

"Sera, why do you suddenly look so pale?" Richard's calm voice reached my ears, freeing me from his hypnosis.

'Why did I even agree to come with him here in the first place, goddammit!?,' I couldn't help but curse myself.

"Richard, won't you introduce us to your..." Arien questioned, finally saying something. His voice was still the same, calm and calculating with a hint of madness hidden within it.

"She's my fiancée. Sera," Richard replied. "We'll be marrying soon."

"Congratulations," Arien said in an indifferent tone. However, veins bulged on his neck in anger. His crystal blue eyes simmered with aggression, and his lips pursed, forming a thin line.

"Richard, let's go outside for a moment. We need to talk," he said.

I inhaled deeply, not knowing what would happen next.

"Richard, d-don't leave m-me," I managed to murmur out, almost pleading.

"Sera, you're not yourself today. Let me have a little talk with my friend Arien here, then I'll take you home," Richard announced before leaving with Arien and the other man in the grey suit, while I remained stuck in my place, almost like a statue.

'No, it's not the time to be shocked; I have to do something,' I stood up and slapped both of my cheeks. Once out of the shock-stricken state, I ran towards the restroom and splashed a handful of cold water on my face, hoping to regain a little of my composure.

'What would he do to Richard!?' If something bad happened to him because of me, I would never be able to forgive myself, never!' My cheeks felt like they were on the verge of burning, and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. It was taking everything not to cry.

'I have to do something.' I hardened my resolve and turned towards the door. However, before I could open it, it swung open, and a towering figure walked in, blocking the way outside.

"A-Arien!" I stammered, swallowing the lump of saliva in my throat.

The man walked forward and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Trapping me into a tight embrace, he buried his face in my neck.

"So, you're getting married, Sera?" He whispered. His husky voice clouded my mind, and my cheeks burned red from the heat of his breath against my neck.

"Yes," I replied firmly, summoning every ounce of willpower I could muster, gazing challengingly into his intensely loved blue eyes through the mirror.

"There won't be a wedding," he declared with a smirk, suddenly biting my collarbone.

"Ah, "I let out a groan.

"Your so-called 'groom' traded you instead of paying debts. Now you're mine. You deceived me, set up a trap, and disappeared. It's time to take account of your actions."

Stepping back, Arien released me and strod towards the door. Locking it, he turned to me. His sharp and handsome face betrayed no emotion—

"Now my love, strip!"

—Except for blatant rage.

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