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' to be continued '

HARRY AND EVAGLINE GOT BACK TO THE CASTLE, with all the students crowding around Dumbledore's body in the courtyard at the front entrance.

"Excuse us." Evagline said, as her and Harry pushed past through students. Ginny grabbed Eva, letting Harry go up to Dumbledore.

Everyone stood, as they watched Harry sob over Dumbledore's body. Hermione started to cry, along with the others.

All of the students raised their wands up, white glowing from the top. It's what they do whenever a witch or wizard passes away.

With that, the lights cleared up the sky, the skull mark that Bellatrix left was now gone.

Evagline hugged Ginny, sobbing into her shoulder. Eva wasn't only sobbing over the fact Dumbledore died, she was also crying about Draco and her uncle Carol and scared of when the Death Eaters would come and find her again.


"SO? WHAT HAPPENED?" Hermione asked Eva. Eva took a nice warm shower, getting ready for bed, but Hermione was helping her with the scar on her cheek she got from crashing into the forest.

"A lot. Draco's a Death Eater, Bellatrix and I fought and then she threw me off the Astronomy Tower." Eva sighed.

Ginny gasped. "She did not." "She's evil, a foul git. Not even, a pig. Hermione scoffed. Evagline let out a small chuckle.

"So then, how'd you get that scar?" Ginny asked.

"Well Carol came and saved me but we sort of crashed into the forest." Evagline winced at a spot where Hermione touched.

"Well at least you got away and Carol saved you and Draco helped you." Hermione said, finally finishing up.

"This is going to hurt a little." Hermione grabbed a bottle and put two drops of phoenix tears on Eva's cut. She winced. "Ow."

"Hey where did you even get that?" Ginny asked.

"I stole some from the boy's dorm. Harry had some, guessing Dumbledore gave it to him." Hermione said.

Everything went quiet after the mention of Dumbledore. Evagline sighed. "I think we should get to bed, it's been a long night."

The girls agreed, getting into their beds and going asleep.

Evagline couldn't sleep, she just kept thinking about Draco and how he's doing right now. She hoped there was a way to communicate with him, but there wasn't.

Eva took her necklace, and opened her locket, showing the motion picture with her and her mum. She gave a smile and finally went to bed, knowing that her mum was here.


THE NEXT MORNING, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Evagline met at the Astronomy Tower. Even though some bits were broken off from Bellatrix, they still met there.

Ron and Eva sat together and Hermione and Harry were by the railings. Evagline was telling Ron everything that happened between her and Malfoy, and how being at the Astronomy Tower gives her memories. Of course she didn't go into details, Ron would've freaked out.

"So all this happened? And I didn't even know about it." Ron scoffed.

"Sorry, but you were busy, you know." Eva said, not wanting to say Lavender's name.

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