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D4Y I..._


It was a casual day today, no phighting matches or anything of that nature. Still, something felt off... It was a bit too peaceful... Medkit and Subspace haven't ran into eachother and started phighting...  No trace of any Biografts anywhere... Even the streets aren't that full today. At least Boombox was fine, Glad he's not blasting any music today, that can get annoying some times. Really annoying.

Maybe I'm thinking too much... Maybe I can go and do some tricks with Sling and Boombox to get my mind off of things. Yeah... That'll work. Lemme go find them now.

Skateboard runs to find Slingshot and Boombox, He finds Slingshot but... Boombox is nowhere to be found.

N0 P0V._

Skateboard: Yo Sling have you seen Boombox, I've been searching for hours but i cant find him anywhere

Slingshot: Now that I think about it, Where is BoomBox? I haven't seen him all day or yesterday.

Skateboard: Wait... He hasn't been here since yesterday..? This might be an actual problem now.

Slingshot: Wherever he is, I hope he's ok... We need to find him, what if something bad happened to him?!

Skateboard: And since me and Boombox are in the same faction, I've gotta find him and soon!

Slingshot: Any ideas on where get can be?

Skateboard: I haven't seen him go anywhere other than Playground and Crossroads...

Slingshot: Maybe he's with Valk and Dom? I have seen them talking before and they seem to be good friends

Skateboard: True, Let's go check with them, They probaly know where Boombox is!

Skateboard and Slingshot Continued their journey to find their Friend Boombox, They hoped Valk and Dom had at least somewhat of an answer to finding him, Cause this was getting a bit scary.

Valk: And then I sai-

Slingshot: Hey Valk! Hey Dom!

Skateboard: We need to ask you two a super important question!

Dom: Ask away.

Valk: We'll take your question and answer to the best of our abilities!

Skateboard: Ok, Have you seen Boombox today or yesterday? We've been searching for hours.

Dom: Apologizes, But we have not seen him either.

Valk: Yeah he usually comes and visits everyday. Wonder where he's ran off to...

Slingshot: Not even Valk and Dom have seen him, Now I'm really scared for where he's gone off too...

Skateboard: ... c'mon Sling let's go.

Slingshot: O-oh... ok...

They went back to crossroads... defeated.

Skateboard: He sat down Whats the point. If Dom and Valk haven't seen him, then I'm sure as hell nobody else has seen him

Slingshot: Hey don't say that! We can't just give up on him like that! If we were missing, He wouldn't stop searching until we were found and safe, And you're just gonna give up on him? For shame Skateboard!

Skateboard: You're right Sling! What am I doing just sitting here? We have to find our friend!

Slingshot: Thats the spirit!

Skateboard: C'mon Sling, we've got a long week of searching ahead of us. If he wouldn't stop searching for us. We're not gonna stop searching for him.

Slingshot: That's what I'm talking about! Boombox, Here we come! Wherever you are, we'll find you! And we won't stop until we do!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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