Chapter 6 Jon's Revival

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So due to the fact the next two chapters in Father Of Dragons are basically the same thing but from different POV's I took both and cut out the parts that were told twice just in different POV's.

I won't lie this chapter was hard to write. That's the main reason it took so long. I do not like how it turned out and it will 100% be rewritten at some point in the future.

As always constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated though I already know there is going to be a lot of it in this chapter.

Jon was woken up when he felt several things crawling on him and his bed. It felt almost as if cats were running around on top of him. His eyes shot open when he heard a shriek that was definitely not made by a cat.

What he saw made his eyes widen even more. Four dragons. Four small baby dragons were staring at him and... purring? Sometime during the commotion Ghost had woken up and was staring at the dragons the same way Jon was.

It was even stranger than the dreams he had last night. Something about proclaiming someone his Queen and not wanting 'it'. Whatever 'it' was he didn't know. Not that he cared at that moment. He had to figure out what to do with the dragons right now.

Everyone was gathered at the inn where Tyrion, Bronn and Tormund had spent the last night drinking. The only one missing was Jon. His siblings were all worried for him and wanted to go check up on him, but the person who brought them here assured them he would be joining them later.

The reason everyone was gathered there was because some new people showed up. And a lot of them were heavily disliked by almost everyone. Nah, scratch that, completely hated by everyone.

And who could blame them? No one liked Jon Connington, some random kid whom Connington fooled himself into believing was Aegon Targaryen, the Greyjoys, or the Boltons. Thank the Gods Daenerys and Viserys weren't here. That would have been a total shitshow.

There were some good additions though. Lord Commander Mormont would surely like to meet Jon after everything he had heard about him.

Varys almost grimaced as he observed 'Aegon'. This was not what he had planned. He was supposed to care about the smallfolk, at least Varys hoped that would be the case after sending him away to live among the smallfolk, but it was clear the boy was arrogant and just as bad as the Beggar King Viserys. Well, at least he had Jon Targaryen to put on the throne now so not all was lost.

They were all trying to find something to do while the most calm of them explained everything to the newcomers. Once the new guys were caught up with what was going on they all went to the viewing room and waited for their last member.

When Jon finally arrived everyone's eyes had widened in shock. There were four small dragons following him like lost children. As Jon walked to his seat Ghost was looking around and watching everyone like a hawk, ready to pounce if anyone even took a step towards Jon or his new dragons. Not that it was necessary, they were all too scared to even try and touch the dragons.

Once he finally got to his seat he noticed a new arrival. Instead of just his family, Sam and Tormund there was one more person. He was now joined by the current Lord Commander of the Watch Jeor Mormont.

Jon could feel someone staring daggers at him. Looking around he saw a young boy with silver hair glaring at him. That glare soon disappeared and he cowered once Jon's dragons shrieked at him. He also saw an older man staring at him in... wonder and awe? He dismissed that thought and sat down in his seat after making acquaintance with those who had joined him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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